Chapter 19

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Xiao was walking around the chasm. Bored, kicking some stones around. But mostly, trying to avoid the crowd of people who were underneath him. Apparently, the fatui was messing with the chasm. Xiao really couldn't care less about that tho.

All Xiao was thinking about was Venti. Venti, Venti, Venti, Venti.. and Venti. He wanted, no, he NEEDED to see him again. Even if it were to be to see him.. somewhere else. Like, in the afterlife.

"Xiao?" A familiar voice said.

"What is it, Ganyu." Xiao was now sitting, alone on the edge of the cliff with his feet hanging off. Well- now he was no longer alone.

"Hey.. I heard what happened about.. uhm, Barbatos and I wanted to make sure you-"

"You're here because of the Fatui. I know. And I'm fine." Xiao didn't even bother looking at Ganyu.

"Well, yes, I'm here because of the issue with the Chasm as well.. but when I saw you sitting here, I thought you might want someone to talk to?"

There was a 30 seconds silence, of no one moving or saying anything. Until Xiao moved a bit, making room for Ganyu to sit next to him.

"Thank you, Xiao.." Ganyu smiled faintly, sitting next to him and together they sat there, looking over at the big hole in the ground, the sound of people arguing in the background, but on the foreground the sounds of birds chirping and the wind blowing softly.

"Xiao, if you want, you can talk about what's on your mind? If you don't, that's fine too!" Ganyu looked at Xiao, but he didn't look back. Xiao shrugged.

"I don't know.. there's so much going on right now.. I- I.." Xiao sighed. "I wished he was here right now. I wish, I could hold his hand, just like he held mine the first time we met and.. and.." Xiao sighed.

"Sorry, I don't think you need to know that."

"No, I'm glad you could tell me that, Xiao. I understand it's hard for you, but you can't be upset about it forever.. you need to accept his death and-"

"It's harder than it looks, Ganyu. It- It really is. I've lost countless of people before from my life.. but, Barbatos, Venti.. or whatever his name is, I don't even care, he is so- so amazing. He has made me feel genuine joy, something I haven't felt in so long.." Xiao shut immediately up when he noticed he was venting.

Xiao sighed, "Sorry, that was too much wasn't it.."

"No- No! Of course not. Xiao, you too have emotions, and it's good to let them out once in a while. If anything, you should be proud of yourself." Ganyu said, as Xiao smiled a little. He then proceeded to give Ganyu an awkward pat on the back, as a sign of gratitude towards her.

Ganyu smiled. "Well, I thought he told you?"

"Huh? Told.. who? And what?"

"Zhongli? I thought he told you about the news?"

"Yeah.. he did.."

"Hmm, assuming that he said the same to you as to Lady Ninguang.." Ganyu thought for a second, leaving Xiao confused and rather tense for a while.

"Zhongli did indeed tell you about- the former Anemo ARCHON, but not about a joyful bard who swirms around and goes on with his own free will."

Xiao's eyes lid up. "You're.. you're joking.. right?" And before he knew, tears were rolling down his cheeks. How could've he been so stupid? He totally forgot about the possibilities that.. that-

"Venti is alive, Xiao. And actually, he's coming this way, too!"

Xiao looked at Ganyu, his face was as expressionless as ever, but there were huge tears that were falling from his eyes, onto his cheeks.

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