04 • The Last of Three Kings

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Hoshizora Getsumei was the first to wake up. His first thought upon waking up was his siblings who were still unconscious beside him. Inori was covered in scratches but was overall fine. Hizashi, on the other hand, was pale and sweaty from all the blood loss his severed arm brought him.

Getsumei crawled to his brother. Inori managed to slow down the bleeding, but it was still bleeding. Hizashi was still breathing, labored and slow, but he was still breathing. Getsumei may only listen with half an ear whenever Inori rambled about whatever the dead taught her, which included medical stuff, but he was knowledgeable enough to deduce that it hasn't been that long since they passed out because Hizashi hasn't died of blood loss yet.

He frantically shook the thought away, focusing on his injured brother. Getsumei never really listened when Hizashi lectured the two of them about the procedures of first aid—he preferred physical activities rather than stuff like that—but now, he regretted not listening because he didn't know what to do.

Tears fell from his eyes, dripping onto his brother whose breath was slowing by the second. He furiously wiped his eyes. He couldn't cry now. He must wake Inori, she would know what to do.

But just as Getsumei turned his body to face his sister, a spine-chilling voice destroyed the tense but not unwelcome silence. "Your brother is dying. I can save him if you tell me where the Blue Spider Lily is."

Getsumei has never been one to get scared and run away. He's the second oldest, the muscle, the first defense of their trio, he mustn't back down. Yet, he couldn't help but be petrified of the voice that was slowly inching closer. Everything in him was telling him to run, to hide. The air felt thick, he couldn't breathe.

Calm down! Biting his tongue until he could taste blood, Getsumei forced himself to stop sweating. With as much willpower as he could muster, he tilted his head upwards to stare right into Muzan's eyes.

Muzan narrowed his eyes at the blatant display of disrespect. The child in front of him should be trembling in fear, not glaring at him like he was the insect beneath that child's feet. "Are you just going to let your brother die? Tell me where the Blue Spider Lily is."

"You should paint a red one blue if you're so desperate to find a mythical flower." Getsumei snarled in response, his arms unconsciously cradling his sister closer to his chest. He felt like his heart would burst through his ribs and flesh in fear, but he kept the facade on.

Muzan's jaw clenched in irritation, veins popping out of his temples. He raised his foot and slammed it onto Hizashi's severed arm, tearing an excruciating scream from both Hizashi and Getsumei; a scream that jolted Inori back to the land of awareness.

"Stop! Stop! Stop it!" Getsumei internally cursed at himself. He couldn't move, his legs felt like jelly, crippled by fear. He couldn't do anything except shout and beg. So, he did the other best thing he could do, stopping Inori from dashing towards Hizashi.

"Let me go! Stop it! He's hurt! Stop!" Inori flailed in his arms, but Getsumei kept his hold, tightening his arms around her as tears continued to stream down his face.

Muzan was indifferent to the whole scene, casually kicking Hizashi to crash against a wall. He shifted his eyes towards the other two children, anger and impatience practically radiating off him. "Where is the Blue Spider Lily?"


"I told you it doesn't exist! What else do you need to know?!" Getsumei shouted above his sister's voice, silently pinching her arm in warning, reminding her of their promise.

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"Inori, the fate of humanity is on you, and as much as I hate the doctor for putting it on you, what's done is done and we can't make you forget it." Getsumei wrapped his arm around Inori's shoulders. Hizashi had told him about the dangerous situation their sister got into, and to say it angered him was an understatement. He was furious with the stupid doctor who decided to bet the fate of many lives on her.

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