87 • Ray of Hope

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Inosuke ran after Muzan, slicing the demon's whips into pieces. He was breathing heavily with blood seeping through his bandages, yet the eyes of his boar mask glared into Muzan with such intense hatred.

"You sure...got me...back there...you asshole! You're dead!" Inosuke wheezed out. "They protected us! That ball-ball old guy lost his legs! The half-half haori's arm got cut off! Googly-Eyes' face and arm too! That airhead and Inori's arm as well! They protected us! They protected us!"

Back then, the pillars had focused their attacks not on Muzan, but on protecting each other, on protecting them. That was the only reason why none of the pillars nor they had died. Hanging on death's door, yes, but not dead.

"All those corpses everywhere...all the corpses you trampled on! They were all the buddies I ate my food with!" Inosuke gripped his swords until his entire body shook. "Give them back! Their legs, their arms, their blood, their lives! Give them all back! If you can't do that—" He kicked the ground, lunging forward.

"Then, die a million times over to make up for it!"

Beast Breathing: Second Fang: Slice

Muzan dug his tendril-like arm underground, making it emerge to attack Inosuke from below. The fangs all over his arms clamped hard onto Inosuke, causing blood to spray everywhere. His blade isn't red. There's no need for me to fear him. The ones with the red blade can't move, eliminating him should be easy.

Thunder Breathing: First Form: Thunderclap and Flash

"Pull it together, Inosuke!" Zenitsu roared out as he sliced the tendril-like arm, freeing Inosuke. "They're all still alive! Tanjiro! Inori-chan! Everyone is still alive! I can still hear their pulse!"

Zenitsu and Inosuke charged after Muzan in tandem, helping each other slice the arms and whips. In Muzan's desperation, his attacks were wider, but they were messier. For people who have passed Inori's crazy obstacle course and resisted Sanemi's infinite torture training, weaving through the messy attack wasn't as hard as making sure those attacks wouldn't harm their already fallen allies.

"Tanjiro! Just think about staying alive! Do you hear me?! Don't Die! You're not going to die!" Zenitsu continued to howl out. "You're going to go home with Nezuko-chan! With Nezuko-chan who's human again! You're both going to go back home! To your house up in the mountains! Where you were born and raised! Your whole family's waiting! For you two to return! So don't die!"

The tendril-like arm slammed into Zenitsu, sending him crashing into a building, and shattered pieces of glass dug into his back as the window broke. Inosuke was quick to slice it up before his friend could be smashed even further. But he was almost immediately sent flying to the opposite building.

Huge blocks of rubble and glass shards began to rain upon them, but Zenitsu and Inosuke were too busy stalling Muzan to have time to make sure not a single rubble or glass shard hurt their comrades. However, the fallen members were still convulsing due to Muzan's blood demon art that attacked their nerves.

Wind Breathing: Second Form: Claws-Purifying Wind

Grunting through the pain, Sanemi blew off the falling rubble and glass shards threatening to bury his fellow pillars to death. If they were all to die, then Sanemi wouldn't let them die from something so stupid. So, he immediately went to Inori first, crouching beside her.

Panting, he gritted his teeth when she continued to convulse, seemingly not realizing that he was even in front of her eyes. Sanemi pressed her spasming body to the ground, holding her still as he injected the medicine he had received from the kakushi, the same one Inori was carrying in her bag. He only let go once the Star Pillar had stopped convulsing.

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