55 • Docile Komainu

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I'm sorry, Senjuro, Father, Oyakata-sama, everyone. Kyojuro tried to block Akaza's fist from punching through his solar plexus. But deep down, he knew he wouldn't make it. I can't block it! I'll die!

He felt like the entire world was moving in slow motion now that he was at death's door. He could feel Akaza's fist making contact with his solar plexus, the nausea and pain came a second too late. Kyojuro saw his life flash before his eyes as Akaza's fist started to pierce through his clothes.

He saw his mother on her sick bed, telling him that the strong must always use the strength they were blessed with to protect the weak. Have I done it, Mother? Did I follow through with your words until the very end?

He saw his father growing more and more estranged as despair engulfed him, destroying his body in hopes of drowning the emotional pain. It pains me to see you like that. That won't do. You have to take care of your body, Father.

He saw his younger brother, his young and insecure brother who looked up to him because there was no one else to look up to. He saw Senjuro who always trained until his hands bled, but never once produced any result. It's alright, Senjuro. You can live however your heart desires with your head held high. I will support whatever path you choose.

He saw his comrades. Mitsuri, his former disciple who he trained since before she even became a slayer. His fellow pillars who he fought side by side with countless times. Kagaya, who he respected from deep within. I'm sorry everyone, I'm sorry Oyakata-sama. Looks like you'll have an empty pillar spot after this. The demon's fist was starting to pierce his flesh, and soon, it would destroy his insides.

Please, at least let me go to the stars, so Young Hoshizora won't feel burdened.

Star Breathing: First Constellation: Dash of the Ram

Kyojuro felt his eyes going wide as a blur of purple and gold stood in front of him, stopping Akaza's fist from fully going through his body. Did she slice his arm from the side?

Inori glared at the demon in front of her, not wasting a single second to plant her foot on his chest, kicking him as far away as she could. She didn't move from her position in front of Kyojuro, fully focusing on protecting him rather than fighting the demon.

"Another pillar? And Star Breathing? I've never seen it before. Did you create it yourself?" Akaza babbled on, looking at her in awe. "You look young. Thirteen? Fourteen? Are you the youngest of the current pillars? You may be a woman, but you're quite strong. And here I thought my fun for tonight ended with Kyojuro."

"Don't carelessly use his first name like you're friends, you scumbag." Inori gripped her swords until her knuckles turned white, fury burning in her eyes at the sight Kyojuro had been reduced to.

"Nice blades you got there. I've never fought a dual wielder before, so I'm excited to see what you can do." Akaza smirked, ignoring her insults in favor of brushing his hand against his chest. "And that was a good kick. I wonder why it affected me. Normal physical attacks shouldn't work on demons, especially not upper moons."

Inori didn't answer, but Akaza didn't seem to mind, only tilting his head to the side. "Now that I see it, you're the rainbow-haired girl Muzan-sama wants, right? The one who knows about the Blue Spider Lily. Perfect timing." Akaza kicked the ground, suddenly in front of her with his fist ready to knock her out.

"I can finish two jobs in one fight."

Star Breathing: Tenth Constellation: Clairvoyance of the Goat

Ducking under his punch, Inori swung her swords, slicing his arms off. She swung her leg, kicking the demon far away from Kyojuro. "Inosuke-san! Tanjiro-san!" Inori shouted, wrenching her bag off and dropping it before kicking the ground, lunging straight at Akaza to drive the demon farther and farther away from the wounded Flame Pillar. "Rengoku-san is in critical condition! Treat him as best as you can!"

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