05 • Escape by Death

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Inori had lost count of the time she had been in the Infinity Castle. She guessed it's been a week because Muzan had visited her about seven times, each visit ending in her getting punched or kicked until she blacked out. She was hungry and thirsty, the water Muzan had forced down her throat every few times in the middle of his torture being her only source of reprieve, even if he only gave it to her so she could continue talking. She could feel his patience wearing thin. She just hoped he would kill her soon.

"I've finally found you."

Inori tried to lift her head. It took all her strength, but she managed to see the blasted doctor who gave her knowledge about the Blue Spider Lily. She couldn't even groan despite wanting to, just dropping her head back to the floor.

The doctor knelt in front of her, his head touching the ground. "I'm sorry. I told you about the flower and now you're suffering because of it. I went to visit you, but I saw the state of your house. I assumed Kibutsuji Muzan came, so I asked the demon slayers to help me find you. It was actually someone named Tsugikuni Yoriichi who found this place and told the rest of us." Inori perked up slightly at the mention of Yoriichi's name.

He's here?

The doctor must've understood her gesture because he nodded. "He's trying to find a way out of this place. They all are. He'll help you. We'll help you. So please, don't die. Don't give up just yet." The doctor tried to cradle her face in his hands, but his dead form could not touch her.

Inori didn't answer. She couldn't. She could only shake her head weakly. It's too much. I can't move. I'm tired. I can't do this.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault. If I could, I would take your place. I'm sorry, I'm sorry. It's my fault that your grandmother, your brothers, your family are...I'm sorry."

Huh. Inori thought, closing her eyes. I guess the dead can cry after all.


Her eyes snapped open, going wide at the familiar raspy voice of Yoriichi. The old man knelt in front of her, next to the doctor. His wrinkled face morphed into a soft smile. He raked his hand through her hair, and weirdly enough, Inori felt warm. Wasn't the dead supposed to be cold?

"I know it's hard, but you need to stand up," he told her. "We have found a way out. We can help guide you, but you need to move yourself. We're not part of the living, we can't carry you out. You have to force yourself to move, Inori."

Inori shook her head again, tears dripping down her eyes. It's pointless. She tried to say. My family is dead, I don't know what happened to Grandma, and my brothers were eaten by that bastard. I can't move anymore. What do I have to live for anyway?

It seemed the dead could understand telepathy because Yoriichi smiled, warm but full of pity. "You have a lot to live for," he said softly. "The present demon slayer pillars are on the lookout for you. They want to save you. You can help them. You can tell them everything you know about the Twelve Demon Moons and Kibutsuji Muzan himself. I'm sure you remember a few things the dead told you. Even if you can't, you're finally free from the duty of being the Crimson Dancer. Your life has just begun, don't you want to live?"

Inori could feel the regret seeping out of Yoriichi. It felt so sad she wanted to cry again. No, it's not your fault! It's not your fault I'm in this state. Stop it. I don't blame you for failing to kill Muzan in the past. I don't blame you, so please stop looking so sad.

Clenching her fists, she gritted her teeth and planted her forehead onto the floor, pushing her body to sit up. Sweat trickled along her skin, mixing with her tears, and forming a puddle on the floor. Inori sucked in a sharp breath. She planted her palms on the floor and placed one foot there. Sucking in another deep breath, she pushed herself to her feet, swaying and stumbling until her back met the wall.

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