68 • Love Talk

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Muichiro staggered through the halls of the Butterfly Estate, feeling as if his energy had been drained down to its last supply. He didn't know how Inori managed to take over Kyojuro's district on top of her own, and still have the energy to train. He already felt drained just from covering for Inori and himself.

He slid open the door to Inori's room, immediately kneeling on one knee upon seeing the people inside. "Good morning, Oyakata-sama, Amane-sama."

"Good morning, Muichiro." Kagaya stroked the sleeping Kanamaru's feathers with one hand while the other was holding Inori's hand. "I hope you don't mind us being here."

"Not at all. I'm sure Inori will be happy to know you're here too." Muichiro stared at the crow on Kagaya's lap. "Is that Inori's crow, um, uh, Maru, er, the gold one, um, what was it again? Kin, er, Kane, no, um, Kanamaru?"

"Indeed, this is Kanamaru." Kagaya gently placed the crow beside Inori's head, beckoning Muichiro to come closer. "He protected Inori against Upper Moon One twice at the risk of his own life. He lost his right eye, and his wings were cut. He really does love Inori, doesn't he? I pray he can still fly. It'll be sad if he has to retire."

"Yes?" Muichiro sat down on the other side of the futon, across from Kagaya. "Kanamaru...hates me. But Ginko hates Inori too."

"Is that so?" Kagaya chuckled. "I assigned both Kanamaru and Ginko to both of you in hopes that they will come to love and understand you. I'm glad to know that the four of you get along well."

"We get along?" Muichiro hummed, taking her left hand in his. He didn't like how she didn't squeeze back as she usually would. He didn't like the lack of strength in her hands. He didn't like the missing finger. Inori's hand was supposed to be rough, calloused, and strong. It wasn't supposed to be delicate, fragile, and limp.

The room enveloped into a comfortable silence, Kagaya's muttered words of encouragement becoming one with the background noises of chirping birds and flowing water.

Muichiro tilted his head to the side as his hands played with Inori's fingers. Hm? Inori loves um, sweets? Oh right, she loves manju. At least, Muichiro remembered her go-to dessert every time they went out to eat together. If I bring her some manju next time, maybe she'll wake up.

He interlaced their fingers even though he knew Inori wouldn't squeeze back. And some cats. But Inori loves dogs? The only pets in her estate were her fish and her crow, the others were just part of her garden's ecosystem. I think she loves the white snake. Uh, what was his name again? Kanamaru? Um, that's the crow. Should I bring the snake here? He remembered the snake having an owner though, but he didn't remember who the owner was. And some manju.

He stared at the star-patterned blanket draped over her. Her haori and uniform were also ripped, right? Inori likes her haori, but the blue girl is already fixing it. At least, he saw her haori being hung outside, devoid of any blood even though it looked smaller. Should I order her uniforms? But Inori always takes my uniform, so I just need to order mine. Why does she like to wear my uniform again? Um, anyways, I should buy the manju first.

Kagaya watched with a fond smile as Muichiro continued to tilt his head left and right, seemingly occupied with his thoughts. "Muichiro, you really love Inori, don't you? I'm glad you're able to feel that way for someone."

Muichiro froze at Kagaya's words. He blinked dumbly, not understanding why he froze. I do love Inori. I want to see her smile again. I want to see her happy. I want to protect her, even if she can protect herself. He loved her, and he knew that his feelings weren't false. But why do people keep saying it as if I love her in a different way? Does love have many forms? Is what I'm feeling not love?

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