85 • Shining Blades

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The pillars knew that they were at their limits. The poison circulating inside of them would render them useless soon. They wouldn't be able to last until dawn.

"Young Hoshizora!" Kyojuro called out without breaking his focus. "Don't you have an antidote for the poison?"

"The ones I have with me are destroyed!" Inori slashed the whips coming at her, backflipping away to let Muichiro slice the ones she couldn't. "The backup medicines aren't here yet! Please! Hold on a bit longer!"

Obanai rushed forward, slicing off Muzan's arm and kicking it away to slow down the demon's regeneration. His arms...the mouths on his arms have very powerful suction powers...not to mention, the range. He kicked the ground, leaping to the side to dodge the whips. I have to make huge movements to avoid them. I'm slowly running out of stamina. And the poison is circulating faster because my body is small.

There were so many corpses around the battlefield, and he gritted his teeth. One second. In order to buy even one maddening second for dawn to arrive, we're flinging the lives of our demon slayers to the wayside. Obanai sliced off the arm that nearly pierced Inori from behind. We can't afford to lose. We absolutely cannot waste the lives our allies have given up protecting us.

Giyu felt his eyes going wide as he lost grip of his sword. Shit! My grip! Before the tendril-like arm could kill him, Obanai dove in front of him, blocking the blow.

"Don't space out now! I'll murder your ass!" Sanemi threw someone's sword in front of Giyu. "Hoshizora! Antidote! Now!"

Water Breathing: Third Form: Flowing Dance

You can still do this! Everyone is still fighting! Giyu gripped the sword with clenched teeth. You are the Water Pillar! Don't break their trust! Fight without shame until your last breath!

Star Breathing: Ninth Constellation: Arrow of the Archer

I can't do the Hinokami Kagura anymore, and there's still an hour and fourteen minutes left. Inori spat out the blood clogging her throat. She felt like lava and glacier were crawling inside of her at the same time. At this rate, we won't last until dawn. Stars, where is the backup medicine? I was turned into a demon, so I have some resistance to his blood, but even this much will kill me in less than twenty minutes.

A cat suddenly leaped above them. The backpack strapped onto it opened, revealing eight liquid-filled needles. The needles were launched off, each injection landing into the pillars. Muzan sliced the cat to bits, but the shot was already made.

"Don't worry!" Inori yelled out as the cool liquid flowed through her. "That's an antidote we've created that can stop the effects of his blood!"

"You should've given it to us yourself, you damn brat!"

"If I was the one who threw it, I'll end up blinding you instead! I have zero skill in aiming, in case you forgot!"

"Focus on the fight, both of you!"

"Tamayo? That damn woman did this again. She even created a serum that could stop my blood from destroying cells." Muzan trembled in fury. "That goddamn woman gets in my way again and again, even in death." His whips slammed onto the ground, further destroying the city.

"Stop struggling! Just die, you obsessed freaks!"

The pillars, now able to move a little bit lighter, dodged the arms and whips that rained upon them. They were pushed back a fair distance away from Muzan. Despite that, they rushed forward again.

I have contributed the least out of everyone in this battle. If only I could attack more efficiently. Obanai dodged the arms and whips coming at him. When a creature's life is in danger, they'll display an explosive amount of power. Even a powerless hand that's never held anything heavier than a chopstick can break through cage lattices with a hairpin. I know that very well.

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