73 • The Clearing Mist

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The air left in my lungs...it's enough to get one final attack out. Muichiro gripped his sword, thrusting forward as fast as could.

Mist Breathing: First Form: Low Clouds, Distant Haze

The water prison stretched, but it refused to break. I can't use a thrusting technique to break free. He gasped, feeling his lungs burn with water. Ah, there's no more air. I can't...it's over.

Two familiar figures appeared in his misty vision, and they were both smiling. Thank you for always being there for me, Inori. Thank you for cheering me on up until now, Oyakata-sama. The mist in his mind thickened, and he felt his eyes slowly closing. But I'm going to die soon, so good luck filling up that empty pillar spot. I'm a little sorry for Inori. In the end, I couldn't keep my promise to her. I really am pathetic.

"Why do you think that?" Muichiro widened his eyes as an illusion of Tanjiro stood in front of him. "Nobody knows what the future has in store."

Huh? What? Who? Wait...Tanjiro never said anything like that to me before...was it Inori? The mist in his vision may be thick, but it wasn't thick enough to hide his star. No...she said something similar, but her voice isn't like that. Who said that?

·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚☆.。.☆.。.:*☆ ˚*•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙

Inori flipped as she continued to slice off the demons' pots. She didn't know whether they were ordered to chase after her, but she was thankful for that, it made leading them away from the villagers much easier.

"A shack?" Inori could sense a strong demonic presence coming from the run-down building. The sound of yelling and sword scraping...is the demon ransacking that shack or is someone working in this situation? Either way, she needed to check.

"Hyo? Look what we have here." Inori skidded to a stop at the obnoxious voice, glaring daggers at the most disgusting demon she had ever seen. "The little blue flower Muzan-sama has been searching for."

"Hoshizora-dono! Thank the Gods you're here." Kanamori breathed a sigh of relief, peeking out from behind the door. "Please help. Haganezuka-san refuses to move and is still sharpening the blade. He's heavily injured too."

Blood Demon Art: Thousand Needle Fish Kill

A blobby goldfish popped out of the demon's pots, spitting out thousands of needles. Inori flipped away, hiding behind the trees as the needles lodged themselves into the trunks.

"Take care of Haganezuka-san," Inori ordered as she continued to dodge the needles. "I'll deal with the demon."

"Stop running, you lowly brat!" Gyokko tried to move to his other pots, only to find most of them had been sliced off by Inori. "Gah! Lowly piece of shit! How dare you destroy Gyokko-sama's pot! You and that boy are just the same! I'll turn you into a demon and make an artwork out of you over and over again, you maggot!"

Inori kept on dodging his attacks. "That boy?" As far as she knew, the only swordsman available who was capable of handling an upper moon in this village was Muichiro. Her eye narrowed, and she gritted her teeth. "What did you do to him?"

"You mean that midget pillar?" Inori dodged yet another array of needles, perching herself on a high branch. "He's probably dead right now. Either from poison or drowning. I'm a bit disappointed I can't see his pained face, but I'll make do with seeing yours as you drown in Muzan-sama's blood."

"There's no way Muichiro will be defeated by something like that!" Despite her words, worry still pooled in the depths of her stomach. Inori knew she should check the shack that had two villagers in it, but she also needed to help Muichiro. Coming to a decision, she dashed in the opposite direction, fully knowing the demon would chase after her.

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