92 • The Connected Lives

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To the pillars of my generation, did we succeed?

Ever since the day I felt like I had lost everything, I've always felt like I would have to live the rest of my life being too angry to die. But you proved to me that there are many things other than anger that are worth living for. Therefore, I would like to first and foremost thank all of you.

Shinobu-nee, thank you for sharing your happiness with me. You've become my sister and have given me so many sisters that there was never a moment when I lack feeling loved. For everything you have given me, I thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Shinazugawa-san, thank you for the haori you gave me. I really treasure it. You've saved my life countless times and have always helped me. I know it's disgraceful to see someone else when I'm with you, and I apologize for that. I hope you know that even if you and Getsu-nii are similar, there is no one who could be him, and there is no one who could be you. I treasure you very much, Shinazugawa-san. Thank you for everything.

Rengoku-san, thank you for always being so kind to me. I treasure every gift you've given me on my birthday, and I consider every moment I spend with you very precious. I should tell you that if you go to my estate's library, you'll find a surprise for Senjuro-kun on the eighth row of the eighth shelf from the door. I hope you and your family can be granted eternal happiness and health.

Mitsuri-nee, I love you so much that I wish I could tell you how grateful I am for everything you've done for me. Thank you for introducing me to your family. Thank you for being so kind to me. When you asked me to call you 'Nee-san' I was so happy because I've always considered you one but didn't know how to tell you. I pray all your wishes can come true and that you will be blessed with happiness.

Iguro-san, I know I must've made you very uncomfortable because I know too much of things I shouldn't, and I apologize. Even so, thank you for always treating me with kindness. I will pray for the malice around you to disappear, and for you to finally gain happiness.

Himejima-san, thank you for acknowledging me. Even if I think I am unworthy of everybody's praises, I am nevertheless grateful for them. You have always helped me become a better version of myself, and I am blessed to have the chance to know someone as great as you. I pray the sorrow surrounding you will disappear, and may you find peace and happiness.

Tomioka-san, even if we have times when we don't agree with each other, I am grateful for the kindness you've shown me. You're a kind person who has done so much for the world. I pray you may be able to find peace within yourself, and I pray you can finally let go of your regrets and find happiness.

Muichiro, thank you for loving me.

From the second you read this letter, I must've already died. Well, I don't mind as long as I can go to the stars. Still, I don't want you to come to the stars so soon, so do forgive me for making unwanted preparations in advance. I hope you'll accept my sincere wishes for all of you to live a long and happy life in a world without demons we have created.

P.s. It's okay because Aoi-nee is a very good medic.

Another p.s. The best medicine tastes like shit.

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"Aniki! You suck at this."

"Shut up! I've never done this before!" Sanemi snapped with no heat. "Why does the brat even like doing this?"

"Shinazugawa-sama! If you're going to mess up her garden, please don't help at all and let the other girls take care of it. Inori really loved it, in case you forgot," Aoi scolded. "And Genya-san, here's your medicine. I hope you can regain some mobility soon."

To The Stars | Tokito Muichiro x OCWhere stories live. Discover now