21 • The Pandora Box

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"Oyakata-sama, I didn't do anything useful back then." Inori knelt in front of Kagaya until her forehead touched the mat. "I can't accept this position."

Muichiro stared at her back in slight surprise. When they returned, Kagaya immediately called them to tell them that they both had been promoted as pillars. However, Inori was unsatisfied because she didn't do anything useful. She let herself be controlled by the demon and had to be slapped back to reality because she couldn't do it on her own.

Not to mention, her motive to become a pillar. She still hasn't fully figured things out, and she doubted she deserved a place amongst the pillars.

But while Inori was counting on her faults, Kagaya was counting her successes. How she managed to escape a seemingly impossible situation with her pre-planning, how she managed to still think rationally for others even when her own mind was in a state of despair and confusion, how she withheld herself at the offer of her greatest desire, how she still managed to swing her sword after experiencing her worst fear. Kagaya counted her successes, and he decided that both Muichiro and Inori were worthy of the position as pillars.

"You put yourself up as bait, and you succeeded," Kagaya told her, placing his hand on her shoulder, and urging her to lift her head. "That isn't a feat someone who lacks skill can accomplish." While it may look like Inori was being arrogant and hasty, Kagaya had seen the preparations and considerations she had put into making sure her reckless plan ended up with a success, and that was why he was sure of his decision.

"You are a strong child, and I am sure you will grow stronger," he told her. "Going forth, your responsibilities will increase along with your strength." Because the stronger she was, the more she needed to accomplish, and the more she needed to sacrifice. In exchange for all that, Kagaya had to at least give her what she deserved.

"I hope you will use that strength to protect others as a pillar." A reward that was equal to her accomplishments, and what she would continue to accomplish. "I believe you are worthy of it."

Inori felt tears start to form in her eyes, but she stopped them from flowing out. "I will do my best, Oyakata-sama." Because Kagaya wasn't just giving her that position anymore, he was requesting her to take it. "Thank you for believing in me." She bowed down again, repeating her words of gratitude.

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News about the corps gaining two new pillars spread amongst the members. The pillars, especially those who had seen her fight, weren't that surprised. Though they were beyond amazed to know that Muichiro managed to become a pillar with less than two months of training.

The Butterfly Estate was so overjoyed when the news came that the little girls barged into Inori's newly given estate to drag her to the Butterfly Estate so they could celebrate. They also dragged Muichiro, whose estate was next to Inori's, with them on their way.

Aoi and Kanao greeted them at the front door with a huge cake in their hands, baked by Aoi herself. Inori's eyes sparkled upon seeing the enormous sugary treat. They quickly made their way to the dining room to cut the cake. Shinobu soon joined them, congratulating both Inori and Muichiro before pinching Inori's cheek, chuckling venomously when Inori asked why she did that.

They were now seated around the dining table, enjoying cake, and Shinobu decided to step in after Aoi hesitated for the nth time. "Ara, ara, I should mention that Aoi has a gift for you, Inori-chan."

With a fork still in her mouth, Inori turned to look at red-faced Aoi with glittering eyes. She pulled the fork out, swallowing the cake. "Really?"

"Uh, um, yeah." Smiling stiffly, Aoi clenched her eyes shut and turned around, walking robotically towards the cupboards. Slamming the upper cupboards open with more force than necessary, she grabbed a plain white box before stiffly making her way back to the table. "I, uh, I didn't have time to wrap it, so, uh, yeah..."

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