32 • Bloodstained Cherry Blossom

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Inori stared at the pink flowers blooming on the tree, inhaling the sweet scent of spring. I should kill the demon soon. That way, I'll still have time to enjoy the cherry blossoms.

"Young Hoshizora!" Inori felt something, or someone slapping her back. "I knew it was you. It's been a while since I last saw you. How are you?"

"I'm great." Inori smiled up at the Flame Pillar. "But what are you doing here?" She didn't think Kagaya ordered someone to go on this mission with her, so it was weird to see Kyojuro.

"I'm here to see the cherry blossoms with Senjuro. He's somewhere buying some snacks." Kyojuro ruffled her hair. Inori was a bit annoyed that she had to braid it again, but she adored the Flame Pillar too much to be petty. "I'm finally having some time off, so I want to invite my little brother to see the cherry blossoms bloom."

"Brother!" Senjuro jogged up towards them, a box of sweet potatoes in his hand. "Ah, Inori-san. I didn't know you were here. How are you?"

"I'm great." Inori ruffled the younger Rengoku's hair. "But I don't think this is the best place to go on a picnic right now, Senjuro-kun, Rengoku-san."

"Why is that?"

"There's probably a lower moon demon nearby, and I'm here to hunt it." Judging by their stunned expressions, she could guess that they didn't know. "I just sent word to Oyakata-sama last night, so you probably missed the news."

"A lower moon demon?"

"How do you know that?" Kyojuro asked at the same time.

"A demon I was about to kill told me in hopes that I won't kill him." Upon realizing the looks they were giving her, she quickly eased their worries. "Of course, I still killed him. Though I did make it as painless as a struggling demon could get."

"I see." Kyojuro hummed, ruffling Senjuro's hair. "I'm sorry, Senjuro, but it looks like we won't be able to have a picnic today."

"Don't be like that." Inori waved her hand, smiling at the two brothers. "It's my mission, so I'll handle it. You two can enjoy your vacation with the cherry blossoms. Besides, the demon won't appear until night, so you have time to enjoy the view before it's stained with blood." She gestured towards the orange sky that would turn dark soon.

"Nonsense." Kyojuro beamed. "As a fellow pillar, I am obliged to lend you a hand. Moreover, we can save hundreds of people just by exterminating one of the Twelve Demon Moons."

"Anything we should be wary of?" Senjuro asked. "I can't fight, but I can at least make sure to not get in the way."

"Don't worry, you will never be in the way." Kyojuro turned to Inori, still beaming. "But did you get any information about its blood demon art?"

"Yeah, it could summon weapons by playing its shamisen. Poisonous weapons, so don't let it nick you." Inori gestured towards the many Sakura trees. "I actually don't know where it's hiding, but a forest like this and many humans at once is the perfect idea of a feast for demons. That's why I'm here."

"By the way, Inori-san." Senjuro pointed his finger at the crowd. "Is it really okay for them to be here? Shouldn't we tell them to leave?"

"I already tried." Inori sighed, massaging her temples. "But they told me that a kid like me should just shut up and stop spreading lies. Some even tried to call the police on me. It's infuriating really, especially since Himejima-san could easily make them leave just by clapping his hands."

"You explained what demons and demon slayers are though?" Kyojuro patted her slumped back, setting it straight again.

" I did. That's why they were looking at me as if I was crazy." Inori looked up at the darkening sky, sighing. "Well, the sun is setting, so I have to go hunt the demon now. I—what are you doing?"

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