51 • Deadbeat

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Inori and Muichiro continued walking through the small town, one hand holding their respective umbrellas while the other was intertwined together. They still had some time before their next orders were given, so the two pillars decided to walk around town and enjoy the rain, or at least Inori was enjoying the rain.

Muichiro honestly didn't know what was so fascinating about the rain, he even considered it annoying. Rain disrupted his senses, rain blocked the sunlight and allowed demons to roam during daylight, rain made him feverish and sick. He didn't know why Inori liked it so much.

"Because the sky is crying." Inori looked up at the sky from underneath her umbrella, smiling softly as the water dripped from the tips of the umbrella. "It's like a reminder that even something as grand as the sky can still cry, and it's a reminder that tears are beautiful too, you know?"

He didn't know. He didn't know what she meant. So, he shook his head, staring up at the sky as if the answer might fall in one of the countless raindrops.

Inori didn't give him an explanation, simply flashing a smile at him and squeezing their intertwined hands. Muichiro didn't ask her to elaborate either, just enjoying the shared warmth in the middle of the humid rain.

A sudden commotion interrupted their peaceful stroll, turning the pillars' attention from the rain toward a growing crowd. They looked at each other for a brief second before hurrying towards the crowd.

"Kya! Someone help! It's a monster!"

Inori and Muichiro didn't need to make a single conversation to move in sync. They immediately discarded their umbrellas as they neared the crowd. Muichiro bent down, letting Inori step on his shoulder and leap above the large crowd. He followed her soon after by pushing his way through the crowd.

It only took Inori one look at the mutant demon strangling a little girl to take her stance mid-air. She clicked her tongue, irritated at the demon that dared to haunt humans during daylight. She really had been hoping it was just a drunkard or a criminal, someone human and not a demon. Alas, it was just wishful thinking.

Star Breathing: Third Constellation: Mischief of the Twins

The demon screeched and split itself into six pieces before Inori could fully cut its neck. The disgusting blobs of disfigured flesh were flung far away from her, in different directions throughout the town. Inori didn't have to dwell on that, immediately alerting Muichiro of the demon.

"Mui, be careful! It's trying to use the townspeople as shields!" Inori weaved through the watching crowd, careful not to nick anyone with her blades that were still unsheathed.

"Should we cut all six at once?" Muichiro asked as he passed by her. "It could be a blood demon art that allows it to split itself every time it's cut."

Blood Demon Art: Foul Spitting Stomach Acid

Muichiro hissed when one of the pieces exploded into a disgusting lime fluid, hastily jumping away before he could get drenched by the fluid. The droplets that touched his clothes didn't melt the special fabric, but it did smell like rotten trash.

"Mui!" Inori called out, kicking a blobby piece of flesh his way. "It split itself into different parts. That one that exploded just now was the body. You're right, we need to cut all six at once before any of them can regenerate, especially the head."

Blood Demon Art: Rotten Corrosive Blood

Star Breathing: Seventh Constellation: Judgement of the Scales

Inori deflected the corrosive fluid coming her way, making sure that none of them hit the curious townspeople who didn't have the mind to run away, much to the slayers' frustration.

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