Chapter 13

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        "I don't care if we're on the same side. I'll take you down without a second thought," (y/n) warned. No one had moved, making the situation all the more tense.

        "Of course you would. You've never really liked me to begin with. I could say the same for you, but I actually became quite fond of you. It's a shame really," Pandora mused. Whether or not she was telling the truth did not matter to (y/n). Pandora acted on every whim that crossed her mind. It was a miracle that Medusa even managed to keep her under control for so long.

        "Please leave us alone," Pit spoke up. "If you stop us now, you'll be putting the whole world in danger!"

        Pandora seemed to actually give thought to Pit's words. Her ghostly face even morphed into an expression of deep confusion. "What's in it for me?" Pit simply blinked at her, not understanding that Pandora could care less about the state of the world so long as she did whatever she wanted. "Bringing you back to Palutena would guarantee me safety and maybe a few extra perks, wouldn't it? Or maybe I should kill you for the satisfaction of vengance..." Pandora floated forward a bit, throwing (y/n) senses into panic. Before she could act, Dark Pit had appeared like a blur in front of both of them with his weapon pointed at her, arrow drawn.

        "You're nothing more to me than a pest. Say or do anything else to threaten Pit and I'll end your life before you could even blink. Now tell us where Medusa is," he growled.

        "Oh, feisty! I like that. Plus points for you, but even I don't know where Medusa is. That goddess of light appeared here to visit Medusa personally and no one has heard from her since." Pandora spilled the information without even thinking of it as a possible act of betrayal. "But a little arrow doesn't scare me," she sneered. Just like that, she vanished. (Y/n) was familiar with the ability and quickly surrounded the trio in flames as a form of protection. "Clever little (y/n), always trying to do her best to save everyone. You even betrayed your own goddess to fight with us here only to fail yet again," Pandora taunted.

        As much as (y/n) wanted to ignore her words, she couldn't. Though she gave no reply, the words did hurt along with the glances of confusion that Pit and Dark Pit gave her.

        Pandora appeared again, above them this time with her blue flames ready to devour them. (Y/n) directed her fire to stop Pandora's only to create an unpleasant heat flare. (Y/n) was pulled away from the flames and met by a worried Pit. "We can leave, right? There's no reason to stay here and fight her," he reasoned.

        "I wouldn't count on that, little angel. I know where you're going. Nothing escapes these ears," Pandora spoke up with a laugh.

        "You don't even have ears!" Pit snapped. "And you're supposed to be her ally. Why are you fighting? You hurt her!" He seemed to be on the verge of tears as he pointed out the small burn on (y/n)'s arm that was healing thanks to the snakes still hanging around her neck. His grip on (y/n)'s shoulders tightened as he glared at Pandora. "All of these lives have been taken and all you can think about is yourself!"

        "Oh boy..." Pandora rolled her eyes. "Spoken like the true son of the goddess of light. I almost feel sorry for you. Almost." Pandora exploded into laugher. "It just occured to me that you're a fool. You poor thing." Pandora stopped her words just as she saw that (y/n) had taken hold of Dark Pit's wrist while Pit was still holding on to her. "Don't you da-!"

        Pandora's words were too late. With the snap of a charm, the three of them had vanished to a place none of them knew. (Y/n) had simply grabbed a charm and hoped it would take them somewhere safe.

        Much to her relief, they were in a meadow with no sign of humans or enemies. The only thing in sight was a line of forest near their right and vast open fields of grass to their left. She let go of Dark Pit's wrist and attempted to pull free of Pit's hold, but he wouldn't allow her to.

        "Hey, I'm okay. You can let go now," she said, but when she looked back at him, she froze. It was Pit that was not okay. On the brink of tears, he held on to her still recovering from the travel sickness. Asclepius' snakes hissed at him as if asking if he were alright, but of course none of them could speak snake. There was no way to know what they were really saying. They ended up leaving (y/n) and going to Dark Pit who picked them up with no problem and allowed them to adorn his neck like a scarf.

        "Why?" Pit whimpered as his tears began to fall without mercy. "Why is the world so unfair? None of them deserved that. Pandora didn't even care that her allies were gone. Palu-" (Y/n) stopped him, pulling him from her shoulders only to trap him in a hug. He didn't hold back any more of his distress. "I just don't understand!" he cried.

        Neither (y/n) nor Dark Pit could say anything to comfort him. Dark Pit simply was just as oblivious to the worlds ways as Pit was, and (y/n) didn't have the heart to tell him that things only got worse.

        "Dark Pit, go see if you can find any buildings or places where we can take shelter. This sun is pretty bright. It'll make you and Pit's wings easier to see. Plus, we need to figure out where we are," (y/n) said.

        "Don't tell me what to do," the dark winged double snapped although he did exactly as she asked him.

        "Don't let anything happen to Asclepius!" she called after him.

        "I said don't tell me what to do!" he shot back.

        (Y/n) rolled her eyes at Dark Pit's antics before giving her full attention to Pit again. Though his sobbing was quickly receding, he clung tightly to her as he sniffled in misery. (Y/n) felt responsible for his current mood. This was all here fault...wasn't it?

        "Are you okay now, Pit?" she asked after he had calmed down.

        "No," he mumbled. His honesty was remarkable. (Y/n) would have definitely lied if anyone had asked her the same question under similar circumstances. Then again, maybe not. What was happening to them all now was by no means normal. Off in the distance she could see Dark Pit wandering around the open field. He would find nothing that way, but he already knew that. The real reason (y/n) had sent him away was for Pit to have time to pull himself together. The trio had to keep moving even if their hearts were in shambles. (Y/n) was at least grateful that Dark Pit had been able to understand her hidden message.

        "Do you need a little more time? I know you're upset, but we can't stay out here. I'll search through my relocation charms to find a better place for us to go while we walk. Whenever you get ready, of course."

        Pit gave a soft hum in agreement, not really answering her question, before he released her and tried to stand. Once the two were on their feet, he picked up his dropped weapon and searched the horizon for his brother.

        "Where did Dark Pit go?"

        "He should be riiight..." (y/n) looked for him as well. "There." She pointed at him and Pit followed the direction that her hand went in.

        "We have an important role," Pit said. "Let's go save the world so that everyone can be happy again." It was then that she noticed it. (Y/n) could see the years of experience with this exact sort of thing beginning to show in Pit's actions. His hand clutched his weapon as if he were ready to use it at a moments notice. A smile had forced its way back onto his face as he looked out at the angel he had taken the initiative to save.

        "That's right...he did have to save Palutena alone."

        The thought had her wondering how long he would be able to endure this. Even an angel had their limits, so she vowed in that moment once again to protect him at all costs. He truly was an angel of light afterall. "To Demetrius we go."

Sure has been a while since I last updated, so sorry about that. If you're still here, thank you for your patience. Until next time you astounding readers!

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