Chapter 16

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        It was his first time experiencing a pain of this magnitude. Being impaled was not something he intended to add to his bucket list. The tip of the scythe stabbed directly through his inner shoulder. Even his wing on that left side was pinned down. Dark Pit fought back the tears that threatened to surface while he held the blade between the palms of his hands to prevent Demetrius from inflicting any further harm. "I hate tainted half-baked souls like yours," Demetrius spat as he attempted to drag the blade downward.

        "Leave! Him! ALONE!!" The voice belonged to Pit as he screamed from across the field of dirt. He had somehow freed himself from the ropes binding him at the sideline. Dark Pit could not see the sorrow on Pit's face, but it was certainly there. Pit himself began to glow in a light blue hue that faded into magenta around his wings. Demetrius paused and squinted at how brightly Pit was beginning to shine. Dark Pit could only snap his eyes shut to avoid the growing light. When it vanished, Pit was still slightly glowing but only enough to outline his silhouette. His expression was entirely void of emotion, and he floated off the ground without the use of his wings. Demetrius stared at Pit, effectively taking his attention away from Dark Pit. The dark winged angel kept up his efforts to free himself but to no avail.

        "Impossible. Nothing should be able to break those ropes. They're enhanced against divinity!" Demetrius pulled his weapon free which only worsened Dark Pit's pain. The open wound left him close to hyperventilating as he tried to cope with the new feeling. The scythe disappeared, and the rope around Dark Pit's ankle left him alone to return to its weilder. "This dual's victor has obviously been decided, so I'll have to remove you from my area anyway."

        Pit didn't respond. All he did was raise a hand up and point at Demetrius. Several arrows that were the size of spears appeared behind Pit before they all simultaneously fired. Their target dodged easily, but the spears of light were locked onto their target. Every single one of them met their mark without fail. Demetrius, having failed to evade the attack, was left with burns of varying degrees.

        "Pit, stop! Wait!" (Y/n) had called him from where she had finally gotten free of the ropes. Demetrius' weakened state had allowed her to take her divine form and speed over to them. Dark Pit was unable to see much of what was going on since he had clenched his eyes shut to deal with the pain. He heard the hissing of snakes and began to feel his pain ebbing away shortly afterwards.

        Pit hadn't even reacted to (y/n)'s sudden presence. He floated there in front of her with his arm still raised and aimed at Demetrius who could no longer fight. The god of harvest was laid out across the dirt unconcious with an expression of shock still plastered on his face. "It's over," (y/n) tried to tell him. "You beat him, it's over. If you go any further, you'll kill him."

        Dark Pit sat up off the dirt and held his shoulder doing his best to ignore the fading injury. He saw that (y/n) was restraining Pit as best as she could. Their clashing auras seemed to spark as she did so. Dark Pit wasn't in the mood to deal with any of this. "Hey, idiot!" he called. "Don't you want to stop Palutena? You can't take him out before we get what we came here for or else we'll have to start over!"

        Pit's attention immediately flicked over to him. The way his twin's emotionless eyes landed on him sent an unpleasant chill down Dark Pit's spine, but the dark winged angel shook the feeling off. Pit's glow began to fade, and he returned to standing on the ground again. (Y/n) caught him as his knees buckled and failed to support him.

        "Huh? What happened?" Pit weakly questioned. He clung to (y/n)'s arms as she helped him back to his feet. Her own aura had also vanished. "Dark Pit!" The realization in his voice had him scrambling to get to his twin only for him to end up falling flat on his face after escaping (y/n)'s hold.

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