Chapter 7

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        "So you named him?" (y/n) asked. She and Pit were sitting in the grass under one of the garden's trees where Pit had explained the situation.

        "Yeah, I named him Dark Pit," he answered with a nod.

        "And he's okay with that?" (y/n) wondered.

        "I think so..." Pit gave her a half hearted shrug. Dark Pit had accepted the name just fine last time he checked.

        "So you want us to save him? Can he hear me right now? How exactly does this even work? I've never come across a situation like this," (y/n) began to rant. "Technically, my original plan should still work, but I don't know how things will work out. The Mirror of Truth isn't the same as it once was. It's adapted to the modern world. Medusa owns a fake of the real deal that copies things just like the original used to, but copying you wouldn't solve the problem."

        "If the mirror of truth doesn't copy things, then what does it do?" Pit wondered. (Y/n) gave him a grim look.

        "That's the problem. I don't know. Asclepius just told me to take you to it. I trust him with my life, so I'm going to take you. He didn't really give me any other options," (y/n) explained. Pit blinked at her a few times saying nothing in response to what she admitted.

        "Um...Dark Pit doesn't like your idea. I won't repeat what he said, but he really doesn't like your idea," Pit quietly stated.

        "Well does he have any better ideas?" (Y/n) waited for a response with her arms crossed, but Pit simply shook his head. "I didn't think so. Either way, neither of us can go back home. Palutena will erase your memories if you go back, and I'll have a Divine Orne to worry about. I've got to rethink everything now. This really sucks." She had gone back to Asclepius for help, and he had told her to return Pit as soon as possible to avoid an all out war. He was right, but (y/n) had refused since she would feel guilty knowing what she knew about Pit. The angel had no clue what the world was like now. It would be wrong to let Palutena take away his freedom again. He was practically a prisoner in her domain. "Asclepius wanted me to take you back," (y/n) muttered. She met Pit's gaze seeing that he clearly didn't like the idea.

        "Will you?" he asked. She could see in his eyes that he was willing to fight her if it meant not going back. The tension in the air grew far too quickly in that instant.

        "Of course not. I made Asclepius tell me how to save you. He still advised against it, but going to the depths of the Underworld to get to the Mirror of Truth is our only option. Once I make sure that you nor your new friend die, then we can worry about how we'll deal with Palutena and that Orne. I've lived in Seattle for a long time, and I don't want to move. We'll find a way to fix everything so I can show you what the city is like I promised." Pit seemed to be put at ease by her answer.

        "Well, where do we start? You said we're in the Underworld right now. It's hard to believe since this place is so beautiful. I thought the underworld was a desolate wasteland full of lost souls and creepy enemies," Pit spoke. He looked around once again admiring the scenery.

        "Well it used to be, but there were always some places of beauty in the Underworld. The desolation is mostly around Medusa's lair. Right now, we're in the Garden of Persephone. It really is a beautiful place, yet it's right near the Labyrinth of Deceit. Pandora used to be in charge of it, but she let it get out of control. It's practically a death trap now. Most angels that go there don't make it back, and there's no telling what happened to them," (y/n) explaned. "Those that did make it back usually can only say they faced their worst nightmares in that place."

        "And we're supposed to be going there ourselves to find the real Mirror of Truth?" Pit questioned.

        "Yep." (Y/n) could see the unease in Pit's features. "We really have no other options at the moment. If Medusa finds out that you aren't in Palutena's domain anymore, she'll search for you just like Palutena is probably already doing. That's going to lead to a bunch of problems on its own."

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