Chapter 12

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        Pit was not certain of what they would do next. He wasn't even sure if there was even anything they could do next, so for the time being, he comforted (y/n) as best as he knew how. If Palutena had the ability to wipe out the Underworld all this time, then Pit really had been the only thing stopping her. Simply living with her, even if it had most likely been a life of lies, had saved the lives of so many others. But he wondered how much longer it would have been before this became unavoidable. Even while being with Palutena, Pit knew that she was constantly fighting against Medusa and her forces.

        "What now?" Dark Pit broke the silence that had been lingering after (y/n)'s crying had ceased to bear sound.

        "I...I don't know. If everyone in the Underworld was wiped out, Palutena is definitely coming for us next. And if she was, she was responsible for trying to steal the world's light before. She might do it again with no one left to stop her," Pit said. He felt (y/n) tug at his clothes a bit to get his attention.

        "This is all my fault. I'm sorry. I caused this. If I had just found the three sacred treasures...or maybe if I had saved you a faster way..." she whimpered.

        "Is there any reason why all of those snakes are gathered around that book over there?" Dark Pit interrupted.

        "(Y/n)'s sad right now. Let her have her moment before you ask her so many questions," Pit more so suggested than simply stated.

        "Right, because I'm supposed to just give the angel that got us into this mess some of our nonexistent time," Dark Pit deadpanned. "Look over there. Those snakes aren't gathering around that book for nothing." He pointed to where a total of seven snakes were coiled around a single book that lay disheveled on the trashed floor. Despite Dark Pit's initially insensitive comment, his observation caught both (y/n) and Pit's attention.

        "You didn't have to be mean about it," (y/n) sniffled as she stood. "At least they're all in one place though. That makes it easier to take them with us," she added, refering to Asclepius' last wishes.

        "This is a children's book. Did Asclepius like picture books like this?" Pit wondered. It was definitely out of place among the thick texts full of words that Pit couldn't understand, much less even read.

        "And here I was thinking that it was something important. Nevermind," Dark Pit sighed. (Y/n) picked up the book anyway doing her best not to cringe away from the snakes around it. Her eyes went wide when she saw what was recorded on its high quality colored pages.

        "I know where we're going next," she announced. "Asclepius is an absolute genius, why did I doubt him?" She handed the book to Pit and pointed at the picture on the left page. He was silently grateful that she hadn't simply expected him to read the four lines on the page. He doubted she was aware of his illiteracy. "This here is the rewind spring. That's why Asclepius said to take the snakes with us! He's not dead. He's right here." She pointed at where the snakes were before realizing they had gathered around her foot. Pit watched her freeze in panic before convincing herself that allowing the snakes to gather around her was fine.

        "That explains absolutely nothing. What even is this rewind spring?" Of course Dark Pit had to be skeptical. "I've never even heard of it."

        "Remind me, how many years have you been living again?" (y/n) growled. The comment was enough to change the color of Dark Pit's face as he looked away ashamed. It was the most emotion Pit had seen him show since he began existing. "The rewind spring is special fountain of sorts. It's been lost to the world for quite some time now. The only ones who knew it's location were Asclepius the god of medicine, Demetrius the god of harvest, and Eosu the goddess of dawn. We'd have to either find Demetrius or Eosu in order to get the location of the fountain. When we get there, all we'd need to do is drop Asclepius in, and he'll be good as new!"

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