Chapter 17

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        Just as soon as she turned to start searching the shelves, (y/n) felt a tug at her sleeve. She looked back to find that it was Pit trying to catch her attention. She hadn't heard him when he called her name.

        "Can I try helping you instead?" He shrank back from her after he asked, hoping she wouldn't reject his help.

        "Of course. I could use all the help I can get." The snakes hanging around her shoulders hissed in agreement. (Y/n) noticed that she wasn't as repulsed by them as she used to be. The more she thought about the snakes being Asclepius himself, the less she thought of them as snakes. She snapped herself from the thought to answer Pit's question.

        "I'm looking for anything about Japan that mentions places where we could find an abyss. I doubt there's anything in here that will specifically say that, but any clues will be better than nothing."

        Pit avoided her gaze. "Um...I'm not very good at...reading," he mumbled as he poked his index fingers together. "I can sort whatever you find though! Just tell me what it is, and I'll make neat stacks out of everything!" He held a twinkle of determination in those bright blue eyes of his.

        "Shouldn't you be focused on recovering?" Dark Pit spoke up without lifting his face out of the book that he was attempting to read.

        (Y/n) noticed that it was upside-down and almost said something about it, but she had other priorities. Pit's dark themed twin was not one of them.

        "You almost just passed out after using the power of the...three whatevers," Dark Pit muttered with a puzzled expression on his face. It was blatantly clear that he was struggling to comprehend what he was looking at. Pit took notice but only smiled at the attempt rather than saying anything about it.

        "The three sacred treasures. And I'm fine now." Pit stretched put his winds a bit and pointed at himself. "I just got a little tired. Nothing a little rest can't fix. We can all take naps after we find what we're looking for."

        "No one has time for naps. The sooner this all gets done, the faster I can have some time to myself." Dark Pit frowned at the book again. (Y/n) was too busy researching to care too much about it, but Pit was starting to get a bit anxious from not doing anything. (Y/n) could tell from the way he was unconsciously bouncing where he stood. It was almost cute.

        "I have a couple books here that I already checked, Pit. They didn't have anything useful in them, and I think they're on the wrong shelf. Can you put them over there on that empty table for me?"

        Pit immediately turned around to face her. He flashed her a bright grin and quickly collected the few books she had set aside. Seeing him happy to just move around some books boosted her morale, and (y/n) just couldn't help but smile.

        She and Pit continued to check through the various books on the shelf that they stood in front of, but they didn't make much progress in finding anything to give them clues. (Y/n) has assumed a simple hint would be easy to find among Asclepius' vast library. It was a little frustrating, but it was better than having to fight or run for their lives. Pit was starting to show signs of fatigue despite his good mood, so (y/n) hoped to find out some sort of information soon.

        The sound of Dark Pit sighing in annoyance and setting aside the book he had been fake reading was a bit too loud for (y/n)'s liking. At some point he had figured out that the book had been upside down, but that hadn't helped Dark Pit's attempt to understand. The room had been relatively silent aside from the turning pages up until then.

        "If you're done trying to read, then would you mind helping out? You can put the books back on the shelf that Pit set aside. There's enough room."

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