Chapter 3

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From here on out, I will only do a beginning author note if I have to.

        Pit awoke the next morning having nearly forgotten about the angel that had visited him. His mind immediately went to the relocation charm that he was still holding on to. He still held it close to his heart as if protecting it from someone or something. A blush rose to his cheeks as he thought of that angel, (y/n). She had been so kind to him despite them technically being enemies. She hadn't harmed him nor had she tried forcing him to believe her.

        "This isn't the time to be fawning over some girl. Shouldn't you be figuring out a place to hide that thing," the voice in his head spoke. It startled him since he had forgotten about it in the moment that he'd been thinking about the charm.

        "That's not what I was..." Pit muttered. His face was heated again and he silenced himself before he said anything else. The voice was becoming increasingly distinguished from his thoughts since yesterday. He chose to ignore it for now although he did listen to the advice to hide the charm. Before he left his room, Pit slipped it under his pillow.

        "Good morning, Pit." Palutena scared him half to death as he left his room. Usually she was busy with something regarding her domain's prospects. It was very rare for her to visit him first thing in the morning.

        "Good morning, Lady Palutena. What brings you over here so early?" he asked. He was thankful that he was calm although his heart was still beating wildly from the scare.

        "Is it wrong for me to wish my most special angel a good morning?" Palutena said with a smile.

        "Of course not. You just don't do it very often. I was a little surprised to see you is all," he said as he scratched the back of his head. He felt a chill shoot through him when Palutena looked at him.

        "You forgot to put your laurel crown back on. I told you not to go anywhere without it. When did you start taking it off in your sleep? You usually never take if off," Palutena said.

        "It fell off by accident while you were asleep. Tell her you didn't notice."

        "I didn't even realize it was gone! It must have fallen off while I was asleep. It's a good thing you were here to notice," Pit said with a slight laugh. Just before he was about to go back into his room, Palutena stopped him by holding an arm out to block his path.

        "You didn't take it off on purpose did you? It's okay if you did. You don't have to lie about it. I could always get you a new one if that one is bothering you," Palutena said. She was still smiling, yet this time Pit felt something off about that smile that she always gave him. It could have just been his sudden paranoia, but he doubted that.

        "Why would I lie about my laurel crown? Isn't lying bad anyway? I'm sure it's just on my bed somewhere. I wear it so much that I didn't even notice it was missing," Pit said. He really did feel bad about lying, but Palutena had never suspected him of telling a lie before. It scared him that she was suddenly so suspicious of him.

        "You're right. Lying is bad. Of course you wouldn't lie about something so important." She moved her arm out of his way but kept speaking. "Besides, there's something I wanted to show you anyway." Fear returned to him as Palutena stood at his door and waited for him to retrieve his laurel crown.

        Luckily for him, he had left it on his bed right under the disarrayed sheets the night before. "There it is!" he said as he found it.

        "You know what it does, right? You remember why I have you wear it all of the time, right?" Palutena said from where she still calmly stood at his door. Pit didn't like where this conversation was going.

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