Chapter 9

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        It seemed like they weren't getting anywhere at all. The corridor kept going in the same direction no matter how far they went. They had been walking for almost an hour now and had even run at some point. There was nothing to fight except their own minds as they second guessed themselves the entire time. Even if they were to turn back, where would they go? Had they simply gone the wrong way to begin with? Would this tunnel even end? Had the dragon tricked them?

        There were so many questions that (y/n) had, but the most concerning question that weighed the heaviest on her mind was whether or not she could even save Pit. She hadn't said anything because she didn't want him to panic, but his hair had began to dull into black starting from the roots. They had been taking a break sitting down to gather their energy when Pit had mentioned the wound that was still present on (y/n)'s arm. That wound was the only proof they had that the dragon had at least been real. However, when he mentioned this, she also noticed his changing hair color. The only thing letting her know that Pit was still himself was his blue eyes that were beginning to dull from slowly losing hope.

        Since then, they had been walking even more with the same scenery and the same lingering doubts. Neither of them could tell how much time had passed. It could be anywhere from morning to night, yet they'd never know. "(Y/n)..." Pit suddenly spoke as he stopped in his tracks. She looked at him and immediately felt guilt and heartbreak upon seeing the tears lining his eyes. " I going to die?" he asked. The color had reached the tips of his hair now and he seemed almost as if he were an entirely different person.

        "I'm going to continue to do everything I can to save you, Pit. It's my fault you're here now. If you want to blame me, go ahead. It's all my fault," (y/n) answered. Pit shook his head at her.

        "You didn't know. I can't blame you...but I don't want to die either," Pit whimpered. He dropped his weapon and quickly wiped his eyes. "I've gone all of this time not knowing so many things and now I'm going to disappear. It isn't fair..." It was easy to see that he was giving in to his despair, but (y/n) had a feeling that it wasn't just his own hopelessness he was feeling. As she thought this, a glint of green light flashed in her peripheral vision. Both she and Pit looked down to the end of the corridor where they had been heading.

        Hope sparked in Pit's eyes as he picked up his weapon. "Do you think...?"

        "It must be. It has to be," (y/n) confirmed. The way out. They weren't certain, but it was all they wanted it to be. If it was anything else, they'd certainly give up at this point after so much doubt. Pit was about to go ahead of her, but (y/n) held an arm out in front of him before he could do so. "Let me stay up front. My divinity will protect me to an extent if we really are in danger," she spoke. Pit gave a slight nod before the two of them began to slowly walk towards the light.

        They were being cautious so as not to put themselves in a bad predicament, but the closer they got, the better they could see the source of the light. There was a single door waiting for them. In the center of the door was a pulsing orb stuck in the middle of it. There was no knob nor were there any clues other than the pulsing orb. As (y/n) and Pit got closer to it, they lowered their guard just a bit since there weren't any enemies in sight.

        "What is it?" Pit asked her. (Y/n) had no idea, but it must have been their way out of this repeating torment of a tunnel.

        "Whatever it is, we need to figure out how to get past it. The door has to lead to somewhere impor-"

        "It does. I'm surprised the two of you made it this far. I'm impressed," the voice of the dragon inturpted her words. "By now, a majority would have given up hope within the first hour. For you to have finally given up right at the end is quite amusing."

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