Chapter 15

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        Taking a quick splash in the cool waters of the river had certainly been helpful. Pit was glad he had taken heed to (y/n)'s suggestion. The heat of the rainforest wasn't as bad as it first was when they arrived thanks to the cooling effect the water had on them.

        "How much further do we have to go?" Dark Pit complained. He was at the back of their short line. He didn't appear to be tired, but the heat was taking a serious tole on him.

        "It's just a little further," (y/n) wiped her forehead free of sweat. "As long as we keep following this river, we'll reach the waterfall that marks the beginning of his domain. You'll know it when you see it. Nymphs love to see angels since there are hardly ever any around in the human realm. They'll greet us as soon as they see our wings." Pit paused for a moment to catch his breath. "We can take a quick break though. We've been walking for a while."

        Pit didn't hesitate to take a sharp turn for the river and splash into its cool waters once again. "You weren't kidding. Getting there is no joke," Pit noted before sinking below the surface of the water. He quickly resurfaced and shook the water from his hair and wings. Dark Pit sat at the water's edge and scooped a handful of the liquid to take a drink. (Y/n) looked at him in horror as he made a disgusted expression before finishing off the water. Pit couldn't help but laugh at the sight.

        "If it's harmful, the snakes will just cure me," Dark Pit muttered as an excuse when he noticed (y/n)'s reaction.

        They remained seated at the riverside for a moment longer than intended, but soon continued on their journey. Nothing had bothered to attack them along the way. "There it is, finally." (Y/n) pointed ahead of them towards a waterfall trickling down the face of a cliff. The trio quickened their pace now that their destination was in sight. Just as (y/n) predicted, Pit began to see nymphs sticking their faces out of their hiding places. They were small, reaching up to Pit's knees in height as they came out to greet them. Pit didn't understand their language. It sounded like high pitched squeaking to him.

        "We need to meet with Demetrius," (y/n) said to some of the nymphs that greeted her. "Can you take us to him?" The excited nymphs all fell silent. The one that (y/n) spoke to gave her a look of worry but nodded her head to answer the question. The lot of them all began to gather together with the intention of leading Pit, (y/n), and Dark Pit to wherever Demetrius was.

        "Why did they react like that?" Pit whispered to (y/n) as they stepped into the waters where the nymphs led them.

        "I don't know. I've never met him myself. Asclepius told me everything I know about him, so be on your guard," she whispered back. The nymphs used their powers to open up a door that had been perfectly hidden behind the waterfall. An elevator awaited them. The nymphs began to scatter, leaving one to speak to them. "This is as far as they can take us," (y/n) informed the two angels. "If we just go straight as soon as we get off, then we'll run right into his throne."

        "What's the underling of a goddess doing with a throne?" Dark Pit mumbled as the elevator lowered them underground.

        "That's none of our business," (y/n) thought aloud.

        They remained quiet as the light from the sun vanished and was replaced with the glowing of the elevator. It traveled pretty slowly, which Pit didn't mind, but it did grow the tension building between them as they waited to be freed from the confined space. When the elevator let them off, they quickly began to head straight. A dirt path led them through palm bushes and trees.

        "It's been quite some time since angels have visited this place." The voice came from the end of the path, startling Pit. He could see the throne ahead of them. On it sat a man with long curling dark green hair and skin almost the color of gold. As Pit got closer, he noticed that the man's clothes were formed from an assortment of leaves threaded together with vines. Jaguar fur lay across his shoulders and back. His bored expression landed on them. "What do you want? It better be important."

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