Chapter 11

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        Sleep did not come to them at all despite their desire to obtain it. Pit had remained in his place among the lush grass of the garden still hoping that sleep would visit, but it didn't. After their return from the Labyrinth of Deceit and the realization that war might be taking place outside their safe haven, the three of them had been unable to take things easy.

        (Y/n) had attempted to lighten to mood by telling stories of her home in Seattle, but the attempt failed after the third story reminded them all that they couldn't go back there any time soon. The Divine Orne was likely still there or not far from it. After eating in silence, they had each gone to their own spaces in the garden to rest for the night. (Y/n) had been the first to pass his line of sight. He pretended to be asleep when she passed him by, realizing that she must have intended to check on him. After she left, Dark Pit was the next one to come near him, but he didn't leave.

        "I know you're awake," his double stated with a light shove to Pit's shoulder.

        "You can't sleep either huh," Pit muttered.

        "'s too dark here for me to sleep."

        "What?" Pit didn't quite understand. "You do know you're supposed to sleep when it's dark, right?" He got no answer, so he decided to drop the topic. "Do you think we can stop Lady Palutena?"

        "We? What makes you think I'd go anywhere near that crazy goddess. I'm not serving anyone for any reason, and that includes you. Just because you saved my life doesn't mean I owe you anything. I didn't tell you to do it," Dark Pit spoke.

        "I'm glad I saved you anyway. I have someone to call family again now thanks to you. Palutena took me in as her son after I saved her, but after what I found seems more like that was never really the case." Pit sat up and found that Dark Pit had given him a look of surprise although he quickly looked away when Pit saw him. "I don't care if you don't want to help me. Just promise that you won't ever do anything bad. I'd be sad if you turned out like Lady Palutena..."

        "Yeah whatever," Dark Pit huffed. He glanced back at Pit, immediately looking away again when he realized that Pit was still staring at him. "I already told you before. I don't have a family, so quit using that word."

        "Yeah you do. I just told you that I'm your family," Pit stated with a pout. Dark Pit sighed at Pit's claim.

        "Just go to sleep and quit bothering me," Dark Pit muttered.

        "But aren't you the one who came over here? Is it really because you couldn't sleep or..." Pit was cut off before he could say anything more.

        "I said go to sleep!" Dark Pit had growled before bringing his knees up to himself and hiding in his wings. It was much like the state Pit had found him in when they were still in the Labyrinth of Deceit. Not knowing what else to say, Pit turned back to his place in the grass allowing his wings to droop.

        "Good night..." Pit mumbled. He didn't get a reply nor did he expect one, and soon he was finally able to sleep. For a while, nothing plagued his dreams as he went back to the times he had shared with his mother under his obliviousness. All he had known was safety and the kindness Lady Palutena always showed him. This dream was cut short by a sharp pain to his shoulder. Before he could yelp in pain, a hand covered his mouth to muffle the sound. It was Dark Pit who had hit him and also the same one who had kept him silent. It didn't take long to figure out why as Pit heard the faint voice.

        "You see ME?" The sound had Pit petrified. He caught sight of Dark Pit in a similar situation, frozen in fear since he also knew what it was that had said such a thing. Both of them looked around for it, but didn't see it. "YoU seE ME?"

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