t h i r t e e n - w a r

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WARArjun was never in favour of wars, but they were necessary! He had fought many in his life, yet every war worried him, worried for the lives that would be lost, even if it were the enemy's

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Arjun was never in favour of wars, but they were necessary!
He had fought many in his life, yet every war worried him, worried for the lives that would be lost, even if it were the enemy's.

"Khandavprasth is under the reign of Snake King Takshak, he is not a suitable King."
Mahadev's words repeated in his mind, this war was him against Takshak.

"Parth, ready?" Krishna asked as as he helped Arjun to wear the armour, "I am Madhav."

Krishna's face was indifferent, his eyes holding some doubt. He kept his hand on Arjun's shoulder, "Not for war Parth, but what comes after the war?"

War wasn't terrific to be honest, the effects after it were; the destruction, death and blood. Arjun was no stranger to the post effects of war, "I am, for that also," He replied firmly.

"For the responsibility of an entire Kingdom?"

Krishna's words stopped Arjun in mid-ways, he turned, wordlessly asking the meaning. Krishna surprised Arjun in ways Arjun never thought, well that is he essence of surprise. At some moments, Arjun felt like no one could understand Krishna better than him and then, these times when Arjun was left all clueless.

"Parth, Takshak killed the royal family of Khandava long ago, the only ones of ministers there are the evil souls who are on his side."

K H A N D A V A V A N -
The Kingdom was called "Khandav" in previous times. When Takshak, the Snake King attacked and indiscriminately slaughtered the royals of Khandav, the Army and Ministers ran away, a few who stayed either joined him or were killed.

For next few years, the people of Khandav stayed under his reign as the connections of the outer world were completely cut off. The people hoped that one day someone from outside would come and save them. But that did not happen.

As everything inside the Kingdom of Khandav perished, it earned the name "Khandavavan" the forest of Khandav. The generations coming took their first breath as slaves of Takshak and never knew the air of freedom.

After about a hundred years, the few old men still kept their hope, narrating stories that one day a Knight in shining Armour would come and take them away from miseries. The stories sounded like fairy tales, fascinating, but everyone knew that they would never come true.

Among many kids who heard the story The Knight in Shining Armour, the two brothers, Satyaki and Kritvarma were the only ones to not believe it. "There in no hero, we have to be our hero," was their Catchphrase.

They were determined to their Kingdom happy, but were not willing to wait for someone. 'Why wait when you can do it?' 

They hated Takshak from inch of their body, after all he had destroyed their lives. Among many Ministers who killed, was their father, the general of Army.

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