Chapter Three

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Once Thor lands the spaceship, I release my seat belt quickly and jump from my seat, to not bring attention to the sexual tension between me and his younger brother, Loki. But, in the process of trying to get out of my seat, I brought attention to my eagerness.

Loki, watches me mischievously, as I walk to stand next to Thor. At this point, Thor was still trying to get out of his seat. "My lady, how did you enjoy the flight, with one of the finest Asgardian space crafts?" Thor asks, as he continues to unlock his seat belt and stand with you. I continue to adjust myself, touching my hair, my body, to pull on my uniform, all nervous tendencies, bringing more attention to myself. Y/N, get a hold of yourself! Stop acting so weird! In the corner of my eye, I could see Loki still looking at me, with playfulness radiating from his seductive emerald eyes. 

I clear my throat, "It was fun! I apologize for causing the strong winds." I could feel the heat in my checks begin to warm. 

Thor studies me, with confusion, as he watches me continue to mess with my hair and not make eye contact with him. "Did my brother do something to make you uncomfortable, Y/N?" Thor glares at Loki. Loki shrugs and rolls his eyes. 

"Oh, no! I enjoyed sitting next to him." Heat returning again to my cheeks. Thor looks at me confused.

"No, one has ever told me they enjoy my brother's presence before. You sure you are alright, Y/N?" 

"Yes, Thor, stop being so weird!" I nervously laugh as I lightly punch Thor's arm.

Thor laughs and gives me a tight hug that lifts me off of my feet, "Thank you, for riding with us and not being scared of Loki. He tries to act like he is villain, but deep down I know there is still hope in him." 

I could feel the vulnerability in Thor's voice and body, as he expressed hope for his brother. 

"I am here to help!" I smile, still blushing. 

"Just make sure not to fall for him, Y/N." Thor grins as he rubs my head affectionally like a big brother would. I laugh, nervously. 

Y/N, get ahold of yourself! What in the world is going on with you? I am not acting like myself, the entire experience I had with Loki, was completely out of character for me. I felt dangerous, unpredictable, desired, and oddly, safe. I felt like I had lost all control of myself and eagerly wanted him to set the pace. I don't even know this God of Mischief, but something tells me I am about to find out more about him in more ways than one.

I need to be careful,though. What just happened with Loki, cannot happen again. I need to be professional and help Thor save his brother. 

"Ok, brother. Let's go." 

You watch as Thor unlocks Loki from his seat and lift him with kindness. Even though Thor was so bulky with his muscles and most of the time handled everything roughly, but the way he carefully and attentively helped Loki out of his seat, showed how gently and affectionally he can be. 

Once Loki is at his feet, I follow them to the exit door. I could feel the nervousness Thor had, bringing his criminal brother to his trusted friends. The vulnerability of showing the faults of his brother and his own family's failure to help the lost soul, of Loki. 

Loki's demeanor returned to the one of hatred and frustration, as the space craft's door started to open. I stood on the opposite side of Thor, as I prepared myself to return to my family. 

As the door opened, I saw our Avenger family stand in a line, to greet Thor and I. Steve, was still in uniform, and stood with assertiveness and perfect posture, as he has done a million times before. Natasha, stood next to Steve, with a nervous smile and arms crossed. Clint had his arms crossed and anger radiating from his body. Bruce was in his lab coat running his fingers through his hair, with concern in his eyes. Tony looked feisty, with his sunglasses on and a smirk. He was going to have fun with this situation. 

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