Chapter One

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*Beep, Beep, Beep*..... *Beep, Beep, Beep*

Slowly, you begin to open your eyes to the spine tingling sound of your alarm clock waking you. You growl and add another ten minutes, to get just a few more minutes, of rest. You are positive that you will not fall asleep, but at least you can try. You forcefully try to calm yourself, but something is just not sitting right with you.

To be honest, you haven't been sleeping well, since the battle of the Avengers (you included) against Loki. During the battle, Loki just didn't seem like the normal "bad guys" that you and the Avengers normally battle. You saw a broken soul.

Thor had left about two months ago, with Loki, and was working with Tony and his father, Odin, in finding the best solution on keeping Loki put. Thor swore on his life that he was going to help Loki and bring back the brother he once knew. Because of this and the feeling in your heart, that you still trying to understand, you were hoping that the decision would be made to bring Loki back to Earth. Maybe, you could help figure out what happened and also get to know the God of Mischief. My heart could not believe he was the monster he framed himself to be.

As soon as you found the best spot, to resume your nap, your alarm goes off again. *Beep, Beep, Beep*

"Ok, fine! I am up..." you hiss. Slowly, you sit up, with your long hair misshaped looking like a beehive. You rub your eyes and yawn, bringing your knees up to your chest. I just need ten more minutes.

"Hey, Y/N! Hurry, Steve is making his famous cinnamon rolls! Hurry, before Bruce takes them all!" Natasha yells at my door, as I hear her running to the kitchen.

Steve always knew how to make us all look forward to the morning, as a family.

I jump out of the bed and run to the closet, to grab my favorite torn jeans, converse shoes, and flowy top. I then go to the bathroom to freshen up my face and tame my wild thick hair. I comb out my hair to have my curls become relax and form them into loose curls that touch to my middle back. In the last year, my hair had begin to become completely gray. After doing my hair, I quickly make my bed and then head to the kitchen, to have breakfast with the family.

"Hey, Y/N! Good morning! How did you sleep?" Steve cheerfully says, while placing two cinnamon rolls on a plate for me.

"I slept enough." I respond, with a little giggle.

"Well, you know you need to make sure to enough energy, so we can continue with training! Today, we are going to go to the beach! I want to see how you work with the water."

"Oh, we want to join!" Natasha joyfully yells, while nudging Bruce. Bruce paid no mind as he finished reading his test reports, on his and Tony's recent project.

"Sure! I would love for you to all join, but I warn you. You will get wet!" I giggle, as I grab my plate and sit across from Natasha. Natasha was really like a sister to you.

"Yes, be prepared for anything!" Steve smiles, as he sits next to you.

You dive into the mouth watering moist cinnamon rolls, as your stomach growls for all to hear. Steve laughs and pats my back, "Take your time, Y/N, there is no rush!" "Well, Steve, my stomach is on the verge of eating my entire insides!" I smile.

"Anyone want some juice or milk?" Clint asks, as he joins the kitchen.

I loved our kitchen, in the Stark Avenger Tower. It was a open concept kitchen that had a huge butcher block island, that we would all use on our family dinner nights. Steve would be the cook, and the rest of us, honestly it was mostly me, would help him prepare the meal. I would then also take care of dessert or any baking needs, with my wonderful baking skills. Because of my baking skills, I will never consider myself tiny or skinny like Natasha. I love carbs too much.

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