Chapter 5

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Jake's POV

I walk to school, thinking about a way to ask Drew without it being awkward. I mean.. If I ask him in front of Henry and Liam, they'll tease me for ages by saying it's a date and stuff like that. And its defiantly not a date (sure its not Jake), its just a way to make up! I swear!

And where are we gonna go? He does love steak.. But what place serves steak? I can't just invite him to my house, my parents will bother us. And we need alone time..

I arrive to school and see Drew, Henry and Liam in front of the school talking. I felt a nervousness come over me. Why am I so nervous? I'm not gonna ask him right away, Henry and Liam are there.

I take a deep breath and walk over to them. "Hey guys." I say, trying not to sound suspicious.

"Sup." Drew says, looking up from his phone.

"You promised to get me the candy! You can't break a promise!" Henry said, not really paying attention to me.

"Well I'm mad so you don't get the candy." Liam said.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Liam and I made a bet that if we lost we had to give the winner our Halloween candy," Henry said, looking at me. "And he lost so he has to give me the candy but he didn't bring it!"

Liam had his arms crossed, "Okayy.." I said. "So he promised to do this?"


"Well.. That sounds like a you problem. Keep focusing on that." I said. They kept arguing and I stare at Drew. The thought to ask him crossed my mind.

He was looking down at his phone, he happened to look up at me and see that I was looking at him. "What?"

I panicked and blushed. "U-uh. Nothing.."

He looks back down at his phone. I keep looking at him. C'mon just ask him already! I thought.

I took a deep breath and quietly said, "D-drew."

I saw him look up at me. "Yes?"

I was nervous to continue on. I was worried he'd say no or think I was asking him out or something. Which I'm not!

"i-i.. U-um.." I struggle with forming the words.

He looks at me with a confused expression. I keep pushing myself to finish the sentence.

"D-do you wanna go to dinner with me after school?!" I shout.

He seems shocked at first. "Um... Sure?"

My eyes light up. "Great!"

"I can pick you up if you want? My dad will drive us." Drew says.

"Sounds great!"

Drew's POV

I seem calm in front of Jake, but internally I'm screaming with joy. I finally get to spend time with Jake! And alone too! I mean as long as he's not planning to invite lettuce brain and vampire boy.

I wonder why he's inviting me to dinner though, I mean he is always busy and never has time for me anymore and now suddenly he wants to hang out? Odd. But I'm not complaining, I finally get to spend time with him.

Henry and Liam don't seem to notice he asked me because they're still arguing about that stupid deal. Which is good, that means they won't know we're hanging out after school and won't want to bud in.

I continue watching videos on my phone, internally screaming with happiness and excitement. I was so excited for after school. I could hardly wait.

Jake's POV

The whole day I wasn't really paying attention to the teacher or the work, I was daydreaming thinking about where I was gonna take him. He is rich, so anything that isn't over $50 is super cheap for him and his family.

And I want to take him to a place he'd enjoy and would be happy. And that has his favorite food. But I can't think of any place that serves steak.

I was excited yet nervous by the time the seventh period bell rang. I hadn't thought of any places to take him. The only thing I could think of was Red Robin but they didn't serve steak, the closest thing to "steak" they had were the steak fries and they only had steak in the name. Not related to steak one bit.

I grab my backpack and put it on my back and head to the door. I stare at the floor still thinking. I guess I'll just take him to Red Robin. It's the only good quality place I can think of. Hopefully he doesn't hate it.

I get home and throw my backpack on my bed and flop onto my bed face first. I'm very nervous about tonight. I'm worried he'll hate where I take him or he won't find anything he likes and end up just leaving.

I can't change plans last minute. I took forever to even come up with the idea of Red Robin.

I hear my phone vibrate from my jacket pocket, I take out my phone from my pocket and look at the message. It's from Drew.

Hey we'll be there by six, is that okay?

I replied with yes and go back to sulking on my bed. Oh god, what if he hates it? What if he leaves? What if he gets more angry with me?

5:45 rolls around fast, thats when I heard my mom call me down for dinner. I realize I can't eat dinner with my mom and then eat dinner with Drew. I head to the kitchen and say, "Sorry. I can't. I'm going to dinner with Drew tonight."

"And you didn't care to tell me?" She says with a snappy attitude.

"I know, I'm sorry. I've just been... thinking and forgot to tell you." I say, looking at the floor.

"Fine. Go. But I want you back by 8:30."

"Thanks mom!" I say and hurry back upstairs to my room. By 5:58, there's a knock on the front door.

I assume it's Drew so I put my phone in my pocket, walk out of my room, and open the door. I see Drew standing there.

"Hey, Jake," He says. "You ready to go?"

"Yeah." I turn towards my mom. "Bye Mom."

"Bye!" She looks at Drew. "Hello Drew."


"Have fun, boys."

I walk out of my house and the door shuts behind me and we head for Drew's car. His car is a black limo, his dad in the driver's seat.

We both climb in the back seat and sit next to each other.

"Hello, Jake." His father says to me.

"Hello, sir." I say.

"So where are we going?" Drew asks me.

I nervously say. "W-well I was thinking red robin.."

"Sounds good, I like that place." Drew says. He looks up at his dad. "Take us to red robin."

"Alright." He starts the car.

I sigh of relief, I stop being so nervous and look out the window.

Silence filled the area as his dad drives. It was quiet for a good 5 minutes before Drew says.

"So... Jake. Why did you invite me to have dinner with you again?" He asks me.

"Um.." I get nervous again. "Well, I figured we weren't really.. Having much time to hang out lately with all of this music club stuff and so I figured why not get dinner."

"Yeah.. Thanks." He says.

"No problem.." I say.

After 15-20, maybe 30, more minutes of driving, his dad pulls up into the Red Robin parking lot.

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