Chapter 17

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Drew's POV

I was very emotional that day, the breakup didn't hurt as much as the cheating did. It felt as though she never wanted me in the first place.
What if I was the side bitch for that man she already had? I never knew.

I was hugging and leaning against Jake all day. Made me feel comfortable.
I felt bad for doing it and kept apologizing for it, but everytime I did he would reassure me its okay and allow me to hug him.

All the classes he wasn't in, kind of destroyed me more because I couldn't hug anything.
I was so used to Zoey's affection during passing period and not getting it was upsetting.

But at lunchtime I just leaned against him again as we walked. Henry and Liam looked at us weird but I did not care.
He had been sweet about it. Sometimes even pat my head if I needed it.

Once we sat down I didn't feel like eating very much. So I just stared at the table.

"Hey Drew," Liam said.

I glared up at him, "What?"

"You've been all over Jake all day," He continued. "Are you two like.. dating? Or.. did something happen?"

They had to know eventually, otherwise they would continue to think we're dating. I sighed aggressively, "Fine. I found out Zoey was cheating on me. Now we're over. And it's making me needy. There, happy now?"

Their eyes went wide, "Oh my goodness.. I am so sorry!"

"It's fine." It wasn't fine.

"You should've told us right away!" said Liam. "We would've left you alone."

"Well. I didn't. Now eat your damn food."

Everyone had become silent for a while, when Jake got up, informed us he had to leave and left for the music room.
I rolled my eyes, still upset at the fact that he chooses them over us 7/10 times.

When he was gone Henry started eyeing me while smirking.
"What now?"

"You know.. since you're single this is a perfect opportunity to ask Jake out."

"What?" The hell? Why would I ask out my best friend? He likes Daisy and we're just friends anyhow.

"Cmonn, we know you like Jake. You were just dating so that you couldn't do that," Henry said. "Just admit it!"

"What are you going on about?" I said, crossing my arms. "I have never liked Jake that way."

"You never know, man," He said, shrugging. "Maybe your love for Zoey blocked out your love for Jake. I'm sure you've noticed how pretty he is, right?"

Sure, he's pretty and all but.. there's no way what Henry was saying was true.
I just dealt with a breakup there's no way I could immediately fall in love, right?

"You're delusional." Is all I said, rolling my eyes.

"Or am I right?" He smirked, "Just think about him a bit. See if anything happens, alright?"

"Why would I do what you say?"

"Because it'll prove it, if nothing happens then I'll stop."

I could see what he was doing. Maybe I'll just pretend like I was thinking about him.
So I just said, "Nothing happened dumb ass."

"There's no way it took 2 seconds," He scoffed. "Actually do it."

I groaned.
I guess I have to.

So I just started to think about him a bit. Didn't feel anything about it.

I mean what did he think would happen? I mean sure, he is pretty. And sweet. And kinda cute.. but that doesn't mean he's right in any way.

Several minutes had gone by and I think I was lost in thoughts, oh jeez. Henry was winning.
I knew what he was doing and I still let him do it.

"Hah, you're blushing!" I heard Henry say. Wait, I was?

"U-uh- no?"

"Wait.. he is!" Liam added.


"Hes pretty though. Right?"

"Yea- uh no no- just uh- shut up!!" I tried to act mean as usual but it did not seem to work.

"Hah, you like Jake! You like Jake!"

"Do not!!"

"Well Drew, I have some news for you," Henry said. "Jake likes you as well."

"Wait.. what??!"

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