Chapter 6

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Drew's POV

We were silent as we entered the restaurant.

My dad told the hostess behind the counter, "Table for 3 please." She nodded her head in response and grabbed three menus and three napkins.

"Follow me this way." She said as she walked to her right. My dad followed then Jake and I followed behind.

Jake had his hands in his pockets as he was walking and I was on my phone.
She took us to a booth and placed three napkins wrapped around silverware on the table along with the three menus.

I sat next to Jake and my dad sat across us.
"Your waitress will be with you shortly." She said and walked away.

I put my phone in my pocket and grabbed a menu. I opened it and looked through it. Jake did the same. My dad was just on his phone and not really paying attention to what was happening.

"Hmm.." I hummed, scanning through the menu.

I saw that they had beef, which is basically steak, right? I'll just get that.

"What are you getting?" Jake asked me.

"Beef. What about you?" I said.

"I don't know yet, probably a burger with fries." He replied, looking back at his menu.

We went quiet for a moment before Jake said again, "By the way. I'm paying for everything."

I look at him with a confused look, "Why? My dad and I are rich. You don't have to pay anything."

"Yeah but I was the one who asked you to dinner so I wanna be nice and pay." He said.

"No, we're paying. It's like a penny to us, no worries." I said.

I heard him sigh before he went back to looking at the menu.

A while after a woman came over and said, "Good evening my name is Lauren and I will be your waitress for tonight. Can I get you started with something to drink?" 

"I'll have sprite." Jake said.

"Okay, and for you?" She looks at me.
"Just coke is fine." I said.

"Uh.." my dad said, "Just pepsi."

"Alright that will be out shortly." She smiled before walking away.

I took out my phone and scrolled through TikTok.

Jake's POV

I nervously fiddled with my fingers under the table. I have no idea why I am so nervous right now. I mean we hang out all the time, why am I getting so nervous?

I glanced over at Drew for a moment who was on his phone, I looked away and back at my fingers.

I was shaking badly and feeling super anxious. I was also highly confused why I was feeling this way.

A few minutes had gone by and Lauren had brought our drinks. She handed me my sprite, Drew his coke, and Drew's dad his pepsi.

I sipped my sprite in hopes to calm down. I took deep breaths.

I felt calmer, so it worked, thankfully.

I began spacing out.

Things were getting way to awkward. We barely spoke at all and I had nothing to do.
At some point, I ended up glancing at Drew and it turned into staring. He was just on his phone. I started to feel weird inside as I stared at him. What is this feeling?? And why does it feel so weird???

I stared for another 3 minutes before turning away.

That was strange.. but I didn't think too much of it and just focused on figuring out what I wanted to eat. I didn't have that much of a appetite so I wasn't very sure what I wanted yet.

Lauren came back and asked us what we wanted. Drew ordered beef, I ordered a hamburger, and his dad ordered.. whatever he ordered. She wrote something down on her notepad and walked away once again.

I went back to fiddling with my fingers but then ended up looking at Drew again. I felt that weird feeling again in my stomach. It was so weird, and I was very confused about it.
I kept looking at him for about 5 minutes before turning away and fiddling with my fingers again.

Why did I keep looking at him? And why was I feeling so weird? It was strange. Maybe it was just because.. um. Because we're best friends and best friends look at each other? Yeah, that's gotta be it.

Drew and I were not talking at all. We just focused on our own things without saying a word.
He was on his phone, I was.. doing whatever I was doing. I had nothing to do on my phone so I was very bored.

After about 20 minutes Lauren brought us our food. I slowly ate my food, looking at Drew every now and then. Feeling weird inside again each time. I honestly hated this feeling. It felt like I was gonna throw up butterflies and rainbows.

Drew finished eating first, then he went right back on his phone. After I finished my food I awkwardly looked at the floor.
I wanted to start a conversation since this was way too awkward. I looked at Drew and said, "So.. how was your day?"

He looked up from his phone and looked at me, we made eye contact and the throwing up feelings was INSANE. What the frig?!

"It was good. How about you?" He asked.

"U-um.." I struggled to form words at first. He raised an eyebrow at me in confusion. "I-it was g-good.."

"You okay?" He asked. "You're turning red."

"Huh?! Oh! It's just hot in here!! I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick!" I quickly got up and ran over to the boys bathroom.

Drew's POV

That was weird. He was turning red and was stuttering like crazy. Something could've just been wrong with his food? Yeah thats probably it.

I continued looking at my phone, kind of worried about Jake but I'm sure he's fine.

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