Chapter 11

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Jake's POV 

After the bell had rung for class to be over, I quickly grabbed my stuff and rushed over to Luke who was just leaving with Zander and Hailey, "Luke!" I shouted, seeing the three of them turning around.
Zander glared at me and Hailey seemed confused, Luke looked confused but then smiled, "Oh, hey Jake."

"Can I talk to you again? Sorry if I was interuppting anything."

"Oh no, you weren't, and sure," Luke turned to Zander and Hailey, "I'll see you guys in class, alright?"

Hailey nodded and waited for Zander to agree and come along,
"Mhm." Zander rolled his eyes and let go of Luke's hand and walked with Hailey.

We stood outside class and slowly walked to our next class together, "Whats up?"

"It's about Drew again," I uttered. "I have no idea what to do."

He raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

"I keep running away from him instead of just talking to him, I freak out too much when he's around and just run away. I don't have a clue what to do, do I like.. just keep acting normal? Make a move?"

"Hm.." Luke looked at the ground, hesitated with an answer but then said, "Well, what do you think? Do you think Drew likes you back?"

"I don't know, is there a way to tell?"

"Does he look away when you make eye contact?" "I don't know, I don't pay attention." "Okay.. does he like to show you things he likes and does?" I thought about it, "Kind of, he likes to show me new things his parents bought him and talk about how rich he is."

"And does he seem interested in what you're saying?"

"Yes and no, I mostly talk about you guys. He just looks annoyed."

"Hm.. does he seem angry when you walk away for practice?"

"Yeah.. actually he does. He seems annoyed and rolls his eyes sometimes."

"Ooh and does he smile when you're around?"

"Erm.. sometimes. I approach him beginning of school and he smiles at me."

"And looks annoyed before?"


"Does he seem angry at the fact that you liked Daisy?"

"Kind of, yes."

"Then he might like you!"

My eyes went wide and I felt my face blush, him? Like me? No way, he had a girlfriend. He's probably straight and would never like someone like me.
I sighed and shook my head, "You're just saying that. He's most likely straight and he always rolls his eyes and acts annoyed whenever Henry and Liam ever mention things like that."

"I can't really assume anything because I never hang out with him, but maybe you should try making a move instead of running away?"

"How do I make a move? All I did was ask him to dinner and I ran away to the bathroom even then."

He chuckled, "Just get him a nice gift. Like flowers or compliment him, start moving the relationship a bit forward."

"Hm.. I'll think about it."

We came across our classrooms and went our separate ways.
I walked to my class where I saw Henry there. He smiled and said, "Hey Jake."

I waved slightly, forcing a smile.

"You ran away from last class, you okay?"

"Um.. yeah."

"Liam and I are really worried about it, Drew seemed really upset about it too. You sure everything's okay?"

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