Chapter 9

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Jake's POV

I didn't understand what was going on with me, I have gotten so nervous lately. And now look at me, running away from him.
I don't have this next class with him, which was kind of good. I just hope he doesn't get the wrong idea or starts to avoid me as well when I finally manage to calm down.

I hurried off to my class, Luke approaching me with a smile. "Hey Jake!"

I forced a smile, "Uh.. Hey Luke!"

"You walked over here pretty quick," He said, raising an eyebrow. "You okay?"

"Mhm." I lied, still forcing a smile.

"Hm.. okay."

I thought about it for a second, maybe Luke could help me. Maybe he knew what was going on.
"Actually, do you have a second? I kind of need your help."

"Oh, sure! What's up?" He continued to smile.
My force smile was faded, I looked nervous and put my arm over my other arm. (Gacha pose yk)

"Jake? You okay?" He asked again, looking worried.

"I.. I don't know.." I said quietly, "But come over here just in case other people hear me."

"Hm.. okay."

I grabbed his arm and dragged him aside, I looked around to make sure nobody was around and listening, "Okay so.." I let go of his arm and continued, "Lately.. I've been acting weird towards Drew lately."

"How so?"

"Well.. yesterday.. I invited him for dinner to fix our friendship a bit, you know," Luke nodded his head as I continued, "and.. then I started to get this weird feeling in my stomach. And I kept fiddling with my fingers, and my face feels hot.. and.. I'd stutter. And, get really nervous around him."

Luke smiled, I was confused, "What?"
"I know what's going on!" "What??" "You're falling in love!" My eyes went wide, I could not believe what he was saying. Falling in love? With my best friend? Hah, yeah right. Sure, he's sweet and pretty and all but doesn't mean I like him!

I scoffed, "As if, Luke! I don't fall in love with my best friend."

"Really? Answer honestly then, do you think about him more than usual?" I nodded. "Stare at him?" I nodded again. "Get excited when he's around?" I nodded but more skeptical.
Oh jeez, what if Luke is right and I am falling in love? He has a girlfriend.. I'll be rejected faster than a hare.

"Then you're falling in love! Aww, that's cute, Jake!"
I shook my head, refusing to believe it. "Wait wait!! Back up Luke! There's no way- I mean- he's my best friend!!"

"And? Zander was my best friend, now we're dating!"
"Not relevant Luke!"
"Look, I'm just saying. The symptoms are obvious, love makes you happy! So enjoy it rather than hating it."
I looked at the ground and stayed quiet for a bit, "But.. what if he hates me for this?"
"Then is he really your friend?"

I opened my mouth to speak but the classroom door opened and we headed inside. I stared at the ground thinking about it.

Drew's POV (time when Jake just ran out)

I looked angry but internally I was sad, why was he running away? Was he getting something? Finding a music freak? I don't understand it. He didn't even wait for Henry or Liam, maybe it's not me and it's something else.

Henry and Liam excited the classroom, talking and laughing as they always do.
I heard them go quiet and Henry's voice say something like, "Hey Drew, where's Jake?"
"He ran off." I said.

"Huh?" I heard Liams voice say, "Why did he run away? Did you say something to him?"
"No! He didn't even give me time to say anything to him. He just ran off." I sounded angry, crossing my arms. "But it doesn't matter, let's just get to class."
I began walking off.

3rd person POV

Henry and Liam looked at each other in concern, they looked back at Drew who was walking away with his hands in his pockets.
When Drew was far enough away, the two of them began walking and trying to talk quietly so Drew didn't hear them.

"I wonder if Jake is mad at Drew?" Liam asked, glancing at Henry who tapped his chin thinking about it.

"No way! Drew is his husband, husband's don't get mad at each other."

Liam chuckled, "Yeah you're right. But what other reason it?"
Henry shrugged in response, "I dunno. Maybe he had to hurry to class thinking he was late?"

"Bruh, how would he be late if the bell just rang?" Liam glared at him.
"I dunno!" Henry shouted, "I'm just guessing!"
"If Jake is mad at Drew, though, what are we gonna do about it?"

"Hm.. I don't think we should jump to the conclusions that he's mad at specifically Drew, he didn't wait for us either. He could be mad at us," Henry continued, "Or someone angered him during class. I dunno."

"Maybe we should ask Jake about it after school, follow him y'know."

"Yes, good thinking. Or spam text him."

"Yes! Okay, we have a plan."

Editors note:

I am so sorry for the lack of uploading, I didn't have any ideas.
And episode 9 came out recently, the events of episode 9 probably won't occur. I will try to put my own drama.

I don't know how many people still ship it because of episode 9, but I'm still gonna try to put out chapters.

Again, tysm for the support and comments on this story <3

~ Cupid

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