Chapter 15

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Jake's P0V

It had been late at night, around 10 P.M maybe. I was still working on homework. Dang essay.
I had been so focused on Drew I hadn't even done any of my work. 

I yawned every 5 minutes. I sure was tired, but I needed to finish this assignment. I am not looking for a lecture.

About 15 more minutes had gone by, when my phone began to ring. I glanced at my computer, but then back at my phone.
I sighed and grabbed it, seeing Drew's name at the top. Drew? He doesn't usually call this late. Maybe he's telling me we're not friends anymore or something.

I gulped, but picked up and put the phone on speaker, setting it on the side, "Hey Drew."

"Hey.." His voice sounded low and breaking, as if he was going to or was cry(ing).

"You don't usually-" I nearly said before noticing how he spoke, "Hey.. are you okay??" I became concerned. Did something happen with his dad?

"No.." He said, sniffing and breathing in.

"Care to say what happened?"

"Mhm.. thats why I called.."

I became extremely worried, I picked up the phone and listened carefully. My essay could wait. Drew was way more important.

He hesitated before saying, "I found out Zoey was cheating on me.. someone was sending her messages. I looked into it and she apparently was planning to break up with me.."

"Oh my goodness, Drew," I said in concern. "I'm so sorry.."

"It's okay.." He sniffed once more. "I was just too oblivious. It's my fault. I should've known something was up when she would always be on her phone and hide her phone everytime I saw her."

"Don't be so hard on yourself.. It's not your fault, you were just in love," I tried to be as supportive as possible, "Sometimes love blinds you."

"I guess.."

"So.. you broke up with her?"


I knew it was wrong of me, but I felt kind of relieved they were over. But also feeling bad for Drew.

"Look I'm sorry for being so angry today-" "No it's okay.. let's not worry about that. You focus on yourself and getting better, okay?" "Okay.. thanks Jake.." "You're welcome.. and remember, I'm here for you." "Thanks.."

We said goodnight and then I hung up.
I stared at the wall, feeling butterflies overwhelm my stomach. Woah.. I have a chance! And he doesn't seem mad at me anymore!

I shouldn't be as happy as I was, I should be feeling bad for him. But I didn't. And I couldn't help it.
I found his low, sad, tired voice kind of cute. Jeez I have a problem.


Sorry for another short chapter. ;-; I swear I'll make more interesting stuff in like the next chapter.

Okay bye bye.

Cupid <3

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