Chapter 10

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Editors Note:
Before the chapter starts, I just uploaded the first chapter of a Henriam story. If you ship that, go check it out! Okay back to the story.

Drew's POV

As class continued, I could not help but wonder what I did wrong to make Jake run away like that. Did I say something wrong? Did I act too mean? I don't understand. I don't recall saying anything wrong.
I kept thinking and thinking about it, until Lia, the person sitting beside me, tapped my shoulder and said with an attitude, "Hello? Drew? We need to do this."

I glared at her, "Can you shut up for more than 5 minutes?"

"Could you not give me attitude, dude," She snapped back. "I'm just trying to get you to work on the assignment we have."

I groaned, why did I have to be put next to her of all people?
We began working, but I kept thinking about it. What did I do wrong? He started doing this ever since that dinner night. I don't recall doing anything wrong, but what if I did anyway?
Sometimes I do things that are meaner than I mean them to be.

I can't even think what I did. I don't remember doing anything.. but maybe he was just really rushing to class.
He was probably eager to see Hailey, he probably liked her. He was looking at her at soccer.. wait, what if he did like her? He blushed even when we mentioned it.
Shit, of course he liked her. I mean, she's nice and hardworking and they are in the same club.

I kept thinking, not working again.
This became stressful, I had no idea what I had done or if Jake liked Hailey or any of that. It became hurtful to even think about.

Jake's POV

I sat in my chair, resting my face against my hand and staring out the classroom window. Thinking over what Luke said.

I hate to admit it, but he's right. I do like Drew. Even though it's crazy to believe, or even think about.
I guess inviting him to dinner created a crush on me. I don't even know how, he was just acting how he did everyday. Stubborn, glaring at me from his phone, cute, I mean what?

I don't know how to handle a crush very well, when I liked Daisy I freaked out whenever she was around, turned pink, and stuttered. I'm kind of doing that now, except worse.
Everytime he's around I start to panic and forget what I wanna say and freeze sometimes. So I have to stare up at the sky or ground to focus on that instead of him.
And if I do look at him, I feel weird in my stomach and everything gets blurry and I can't think properly and I feel warm in the face. So I just run away.

I hope he's not getting mad at me for running away, but I just don't know what else to do. I panic too much.
I could just ask Luke for help again? He helped me before, and he does have a boyfriend.. I glanced up from the desk and to Luke, he was on the opposite side of the room. It would have to wait until after class.

Jeez, being in love is quite difficult.

Sorry for another lazy chapter, I am just tired. TvT and I didn't want to leave a several month wait like I did before.

Anyway, hope this is still good for you guys.

Bye bye. <3

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