Chapter 7

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Drew's POV

My dad and I were ready to go and Jake was still in the bathroom. I began to worry about what happened to him.

"What happened to your friend?" My dad asked me. 

I looked away from the bathroom doors and looked at him. "I don't know. He said it was hot in here and he was just gonna go to the bathroom. And never came back."

"Hm.. just like my dad."


I saw the bathroom door slowly open and I saw Jake standing at the doorway. I got excited and relieved that he was okay.

"Hey Jake! You took forever, where were you?" I ask. I saw him flush as he slowly walked over to me.

"U-um.." He said, looking around. "I was just..." I waited for a response, he was slowly turning red again.

"Woah, are you okay? You're turning red again." I said.

"Yeah I'm fine.." He mutters. "Are you guys ready to go?"

"Yeah.." I said. It was kind of suspicous that he wasn't answering my questions. But I didn't ask him about it and we walked out of the resturant.

We were quiet once again as we got into my dad's car and drove out of the parking lot.

Jake's POV

The car ride home was slow and quiet.
I stared out the window, breathing slowly to calm myself down.

Strange things had been happening in that resturant. Like I had been staring at Drew for a while and turned red whenever he looked or talked to me. I had panic attacks whenever this happened and even stuttered a little.

These are things that happen usually with Daisy.. WAIT! Don't tell me I.. pfft! No way! I don't like men. I like women and I already like Daisy. Yeah! I'm probably going crazy. There's no way I like Drew.

I manage to calm down by the time Drew's dad drops me off at my house.
"Thanks for the dinner and car ride, sir!" I said.

"No problem, kid." He said back.

I turn to Drew who was looking at me already. I feel my face slowly turn red again. Oh god.

"Thanks for making time for me, Jake," Drew said, "I appreciate it."

"Y-you're welcome!!!! Goodbye!!!" I say fast and quickly shut the car door. I hide my face with my hand and rush inside, shutting the front door and locking it.

Jeez, that was a disaster.. But I'm sure I will get over it by tomorrow!

Drew's POV

That was really weird.. Jake has been acting very strange tonight. Maybe he'll be better tomorrow? I hope so..

Next day

Jake's POV

When I woke up, things seemed pretty normal. I wasn't feeling weird like I had before. Maybe I was right and I was back to normal!

I felt relieved I felt better again and walked out of my house after saying goodbye to my mom and walked to school. Everything seemed normal until I arrived to school and saw Drew standing at the front with Henry and Liam.
Once I saw him, I felt that weird feeling in my stomach again and felt my face blush. Well I guess I'm not actually over it.

I slowly walk over to them, looking at the ground. Trying to avoid any sight of Drew at all.

"Hey, Jake!" Liam exclaimed.

"Hello.." I muttered, still facing down at the ground.

"Why are you looking at the ground?" I heard Henry say, turning his head to the side so I could see his face.

"The ground looks mighty fine today!" I lie, it was a terrible lie but it was all I could think of.

"Wait for real?" Henry said, he looked at the ground. "But it's filfy and there's trash everywhere. How is it nice?"

"Oh I don't know. Must be going delisional! Better go to the restroom real quick!" I said quickly and raced to the bathroom.

Drew's POV

I watch as Jake runs off to the bathroom. I felt kind of upset by the way he had been acting since last night. Did I do something wrong? I don't think I did.

"Ayo, Drew." Henry said, turning to me. "What's wrong with Jake?"

"I don't know. He's been acting strange since last night." I answer. I see Liam and Henry give each other suspicious looks. "What?"

"What happened last night?" Liam says, looking at me.

"Nothing! We just went to dinner!"

"Right..." Henry said, rolling his eyes teasingly.

"What?! What did you think happened?"

Liam snickered.
"Making out happened, that's what."

I blushed a little. "No! We just went to dinner together. That is all. You guys are so dirty minded." I rolled my eyes.

"Okayy. If you say so." Henry said.

The school bell rang and we headed to our class.

Jake's POV

As I was washing my face, I could hear the school bell ring. I quickly dried my face off with a paper towel and ran off to my first period.

I got yelled at by several hall monitors and almost got detention like 3 times. I made it to class late and sat in my seat next to Zander.

He had his arms crossed like usual. I sat beside him without saying anything.

We were told we needed to complete our science project, but I kind of blacked out after like the first couple instructions because I ended up looking at Drew again. Dammit I can't stop doing that!

I stared at him through the entire instructions and went back down to Earth to Zander shaking me and yelling my name. "JAKE!"

I blink fast. "Huh?!"

"I've called your name like 17 times!" Zander said and slowly stop shaking me.

"Sorry! I was just.. um.. thinking.."

"Right.. Well we have to work on the project." He said, angry expression on his face. "You start working on your part of the project and I will do mine."

"Right." I said. We starting working but in the middle of working.. I looked at Drew again. What?! He's pretty! Don't judge me!

Zander ended up yelling at me and slapping me once again.. ;-;

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