22: Freaking Twig

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Coraline's Point Of View

Dreamshade glazed rope surrounded my body, the stinging sensation was undenyable. I was tied up in a something hard I couldn't tell but my main focus was where could I escape. I couldn't think of my throbbing head, my growling stomach or my bloody hands and ankles. I had to get a sharp thing, something that could potentially cut through the ropes. I can't really use my canine teeth, I'd get poison which will make my situation worse but it was the only chance I got. I began chewing on the rope. It's burning bitter taste stung in my mouth, still strand by strand it ripped.


I instantly fell onto the ground, all my strength drained and my whole body aching.

My body will recovery easily, I'm that weird and I even get old even though I am living in Neverland I still age when ask my father about it. He would just shrug it off.

Lying on my belly, my eyes wondered around the dark eerie place. I saw a girl's silhouette, I was about to shout for help when instinctively put a hand over my mouth. It could be the girl who kidnapped me. I tried to stand up but my legs wobbled and failed me, so I had to settle crawling using my arms. I contemplated where I should hide in.

Tree? No, I can't hide that well there. Huge Rock? She will assume, that I haven't gotten far from where the tree is, due to my dreamshade situation. Average-sized rock, she wouldn't suspect me there. Right?

In the end I settled for an average sized rock near the place where I could possibly escape.

Out of curiousity, I took a peek of her appearance. I wanted to know who she was. She had brown hair and her clothes looked like she was from the tribe. In attempt to see her face a tad bit clearer, I crawled a bit closer and in the process, I managed to break a twig. A freaking twig that should be minding it's own darn business. I shot daggers at the twig, if it was living. It's probably already dead by now.

She was twisting her head towards my direction, I was already hidden in my rock. As I saw her checking the other rocks she was significantly getting closer and closer. If I crawl she's going to see me. If I stay I'm basically waiting for my death. Before I knew it she was now going to check mine.


I stood up steadily and run to the possible escape or possible dead end, I had a gush of adrenaline rush coursing through my veins. I didn't look back since Uncle Smee told me that when in running state you should concentrate and look forward. Every time I saw her shadow coming closer, I'd push myself and run faster things are coming to an end. The long goose chase is coming to an end because of the wall coming closer and closer to me.

Dead End.

I slowed my pace and turned landing on my back.

"Why do they like you so much? Your so plain." she spat with venom.

I could careless about my looks.

But she was right, I was plain I had dull black hair and dark brown eyes, that was about it. I wasn't special looking person, some even mistake me as a boy, she however had crystal blue eyes. I had to admit she was pretty but the nails in her head are pretty loose.

She grabbed my hair and turned my head towards her. "After I'm done with you, you'd regret stepping into my fairytail". I pathetically tried to punch her but I couldn't even move my hand.

Pan's Point Of View

Felix was spying on the tribe do they actually think I'm dumb enough to fall for an old trick " Sabotage your ally - trick".

I couldn't just stand there helpless so I went to my wonderful son.


I kicked the door and went in. The door chime filled my ears.

" How may I help you, de..." My surprised son cut himself off.

"Missed me?" I said smirking with a stupid looking man in front of me. He finally gained his composure and "State your business here". " That's not a way to talk to your daddy" I said faking a pout.

" You stop being my father when you left me for power!" He sent a fireball to my face which I quickly dodged, My smirk slowly faded. " Watch the face!" I hollered and added in a more serious tone" Oh come on, you know that I left you because I tried to take back your mother! Those nasty rumours about me, poisoned your mind." We both looked away, it was a bit of a touchy subject.

"I don't have time for another reunion . I'm here because of one thing. Your going to do a favor for me" I stated simply.

"And why would do that?" He squinted his eyes as if challenging me. I stepped forward and looked at home straight in the eye " because it's about my wife and your mother". He nodded slowly his head.


" What did you do this time?" Rumple asked sighing and rolling his eyes.
"Well.....your beautiful mother attracted a stupid, ugly, pathetic, awful, ignorant, loathsome,dumb weakling- " I got cut off. " I already got it" Rumple complained. "Yeah well you were the one who asked" I countered. " Moving right along" he said urging me to continue the story. " she got kidnapped I don't who exactly but it isn't Hook or Sel"

" Who's Sel?"

" the evil, horrid, arrogant, absurd, foolish, scandalous, repulsive, dreadful, monstero.... " He seriously does not let me finish my sentences. I look at him pissed off. " I already knew who you were talking about, I just looked if you were going run out of adjectives to describe him, Apparently not..." He said giving me an amused chuckle.

" Back to the subject, Seth and Hook are teaming up so they could defeat me, funny isn't ?" I said cocking an eyebrow in the end.

" How did you know?" He asked.

"Simple, I'm Peter Pan, the one and only king of Neverland and doesn't know something that goes on his land? That's unheard of. " I said.

Never leave a tiny crack unattended.

~•~•~•~Lion's Note•~•~•~

Hi! I'm sorry I didn't update it was because the magical unicorn world asked me to defend them from a red, evil, unicorn eating, monkey named Monkuesolus, he is seeks revenge for he has no nose just like the one that shall not be named......

Voldemort (I said his name, hahaha)

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