19: Pan's girl

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I ran as fast as my feet could take me. I heard the loud roar of the waves and I instantly took off my right shoe and off came the other. Feeling the sand for the first time was weird, it went between my toes and it made footprints. The chilly air gave me goosebumps, awakening me from the amazing world of sand. Then a distracting question came up my mind.

"When I woke up, I was in the treehouse thingy mabob but how did get there. I should be laying on the sand."

I shrugged off the thought thinking of my main purpose going to the Jolly Roger and reporting my time with Pan and his allies. An actual important thought came into my mind "How could I cross the waters without getting wet". Then an idea popped out of my head just like the head that came out of the murky waters, that splashed me soaking wet. "Hehe...." a small timid voice giggled. " Ain't you perky" I said in a sarcastic tone twisting my ponytail to remove the water. Believe it or not even if the water came from the gory water it wasn't thick or sticky at all, it felt like your average usual water, despite the fact that it has a large amount of blood. "Coraline to Neverland, Coraline to Neverland!" those words snapped me out of daze. "Angelique, I need to get to the Jolly Roger without getting wet, can you help me?" I asked hopeful. " Only if you say the magic word" she replied joyfully. " Ohh.. You've read The Harry Potter series too.. Ridiculous!" I said proudly, making me a bit nostalgic remembering my one and only friend which I don't remember the name or face so...... I can't really imagine him cause if you couldn't tell he's kind of my prince charming if I was Cinderella or was it Snow White?? Basically he was my hero back then. I'm not sure if he was only a dream or not but now I'm in reality.

He was the one who defended me in Hook's cruel slaps, kicks and punches. He also was the one who taught me how to do everything that I do, reading Fairytales, Harry Potter and Divergent.

Then I remembered the magic word he'd always tell me but I would only say that to him so there must be another one. She gave up and was about to say the answer when "It's fine at least you tried it's actuall-". I cut her off " Please, I was just messing with you, mermaid" I said punching her shoulder slightly. Mermaids tend to be quite girly. " Okay, let's not waste time we can catch up on the way" she said. She whistled high and told me not to panic because apparently the ones that she wanted to hear it was the only ones that could. Then cute dolphins came to us -No cute is an understatement adorable dolphins. " Coraline, these are my friends named Strawberry Parfait" she pointed to the pink dolphin " Blueberry Muffin" to the blue dolphin . She paused looking at me as if I should comment on them.

Think! Think!

"Wha... What delicious names they have!?!" I said hurriedly.

"Really?!?! Delicious Names that's the one thing you came up with" I mentally facepalmed myself. But Angelique and her dolphins seems to be buying it. " I know right so cute, I thought about their names myself". "Their names are almost as cute as them" I replied.

"And you just thought that now, Genuis" I sarcastically tell myself.

We climb on top of the dolphins. I got Blueberry Muffin and went straight to Jolly Roger.

✴✴✴✴After a while✴✴✴✴

We finally get there "Thank you for the ride Berries (Strawberry and Blueberry) and Angelique" I say while getting on the Jolly Roger. " Pleasure being with you" Angelique replied waving goodbye. They were about to go when Angelique suddenly leaned forward as if listening to the two dolphins "Strawberry and Blueberry said that if you need anything at all don't hesitate on calling us". " Oh how sweet, sure will!" I say turning around to the Jolly Roger and suddenly I'm being tightly hugged by a pair of arms " How are you, lass? It's been so long" Uncle Smee said, loosining his hug and suddenly his eyes grow big " Are you hurt?!" He says his eyes filled with worry and happiness at the same time. " I'm fine. Thought I'd pay a visit to my old man" I say casually leaning against a wall. "Have you made any progress? " a serious familiar voice interrupts my little reunion with Uncle Smee. "Not so much. It's harder than it looks, Hook" I answer him joyfulness leaving my voice without a trace. "You sound so annoyed, didn't you miss me?" He said pouting. I let out a huge sigh "Drop the formalities, will ya?" I reply rolling my eyes. "I made progress he's opening up to me" I add.

I do not know what's better than my lying

"Is that so.... Well better hurry up we don't have all the time in the worl-" I cut him off in a soft voice "Actually we kinda...do. We're in Neverland so...yeah."Anyway you should go back now and after a while pay another visit for updates" he says hurriedly. "Actually can you do me a favor and go as near as you can in the shores, please" I plead with all my strength while in my mind I'm already making excuses for being late and wet.

✴✴✴✴✴After a while✴✴✴✴✴

"I accidentally fell into the waters when I was looking for firewood" I said a little voice to Pan who was angry as hell. "Some weird creatures attacked me in the waters when I got out of the water I didn't know where I was so I just walked and walked until you found me" I added for a little sprinkle of drama. Pan was about to say something when Carrots went to my side and said calmly "I know we're all tired for searching for Lin and she's tired too because of the creatures and the walking so I suggest we all rest and settle things after getting some rest".

Wow! He speaks as if he's lived a hundred years already when he looks like a 5 year old kid. He looks so freakin' weird. It's weird when other people call me Lin except for Pan.

All the lost boys agree and they all go to their tents except for Pan who is the last one to accept defeat. After a huge sigh he says "Fine, fine". " Bye!" I say cheerfully waving one of my hands to Carrots and Pan who are going on the opposite direction of me when Pan suddenly disappears at Carrot's side because of the gush of wind I, therefore conclude that Pan is at my side. " Pan, why are you here? " I ask continuing my walk to the old cabin. " Well, Carrots told me to keep you safe probably cause your the clumsiest person ever" Pan said climbing down a tree. "What can I say trouble just keeps following me" I said glancing at the corner of my eye.

Felix's Point Of View

I need to collect as much firewood as possible since Pan already told me that Coraline would surely report back to Hook. I honestly don't know why he let's Coraline spy on us. I honestly think he's already fallen for her. Then I hear whispers under the tree I was on. I never would've stoop down so low and pry if I didnt hear Pan's name in their conversation "Well, from what I heard the one your crushing on is already Pan's girl" the small silhouette said. "Well I'll fight for her. I'm sure she's just being forced to be Pan's girl" the tall silhouette replied.

ShouldItellPan? MaybeitwouldbebetterifIdidn't...

Coraline's Point of View

✴✴✴✴After a while✴✴✴✴✴

"Bye Frying Pan" I said as I close the door. "Bye Lin" Pan replied with a lazy short wave. Then I see Felix at the small opening of my door talking to Pan with a worry looking face.


I walked straight to the closet and surprisingly there were some pajamas in the huge closet. I quickly jumped to my bed, hug my piggy and dozed off in my land of dreams.

Hearing such a loud noise outside my house. I literally jumped out of my bed. I change into my lost girl uniform and grab my dagger putting it in my pocket and I sling my bow and arrows on my shoulder.


Mellow! AdvanceMerry Christmas

You guys do not know how glad I am to put this chapter up it has been too long. If I have any wrong spellings or grammar please correct me in the comments down below. I had hell week (basically project and test week). Hopefully I'll get another one up before New Year.

Could you guys comment some awesome chick flicks? (*^▽^*)


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