21: Truce or Trick

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I wonder where Mr. Stranger is?

What's his real name...?

Will he ever pronounce my name right? It's Coral -line not Coral -lin or Coralyn.

Ohh... I could tell Mr. Stranger about Michael (my bestfriend that I talk about a lot, just recently remembered his name) and maybe he can come a board with my plans to take the magic bean portal maker thingy and get off Neverland. I wonder where Michael is I hope they both meet each other, they'll surely be great friends. I was taken away from Michael when I was about six or seven years old. I remembered how much I balled my eyes out that day. We both promised that somebody we would find each other again and stay by each other's side. I would dream of him and me playing in the woods and  then I would wake up with the sound of the waves crashing.

As my mind drift off to the land of wonders, I stare at the moon. The two dummies finally saw each other and started bickering. Thankfully they kept their promise to me, to stop fighting (physically). Then a terrifying idea squeezed it's way to my mind.

What if one of them is Mr. Stranger? I would know right!? I mean hair color doesn't match Pan's brunnete, Seth's blonde and Mr. Stranger's black haired. Accent Pan's british, Seth's more of a american type and Mr. Stranger right in the middle.

As I panicked I lose my grip and fell off the tree, hitting some branches along the way.  I felt the spikey branches tear my top and stab my arm and legs. Falling, I closed my eyes tight and screamed the first name on my mind " Mr. Stranger!". I felt arms carry me keeping me warm. " Your always there for me, Mr. Stranger thank you" I said weakily smiling. Then opening my eyes I realize it wasn't him, it had long hair and it looked like a girl. " Ohh... I'm not a hero and you won't get a hero because your in my story" she paused and continued " my story that's why I'll get the happy ending " I fell into deep darkness.  

Pan's Point Of View 

It's all my fault why did I  let them know I like her. Now she's missing just like before.

Where are you Coraline? I vowed to protect you but my emotions got the best of me. I couldn't see you being held by another. I intend to keep my vow.

 "We searched the waters twice already, Pan"  Daniel, my third in command said his hands on his knees panting. Daniel had his ginger hair stoused.

They're all probably tired.

" Call all of the boys and you guys could get the rest of the day off" I said strictly. " Thank you, Pan" He retorted joyfully, bowing slightly. Before I could even reply Felix comes running like a stupid drunk, also probably weary.
" Pan, Seth wants to join forces since both of you have the same motive. He also said that Coraline is the only one who can choose who she truly loves"

"What ?! He thinks that I would force Coraline to me! She's always been mine and I know that she doesn't like me" I shouted crossing my arms. "She loves me" I said in a matter-of-fact tone.

She's practically mine. She just doesn't know yet.

Felix said something while rolling his eyes.

"Yeah fine, it's not like he's even a threat." I said loudly knowing he was eavesdropping behind the tree that I was leaning on.

"We'll see about that, I'll make sure I win" he smirk trying to copy my devilishly perfect smirk.

" Ohh, please you've never even been or will be in the game" I chuckled.

Seth's Point Of View

"Since we both have the same thing in mind, let's have a truce" Hook said offering his hand. " I am the father of Coraline and I want the best for my daughter, not some reckless dangerous man".

I reluctantly shook his hand and gave a firm nod.

Coraline should've been mine and now I get a second chance. You belong to me.

I'll do everything to get Coraline back even if I need to team up with pirates.

An hour has already passed and we were set. We had everything planned, We were going to trick Pan into thinking we were having a truce with the tribe. Once Coraline is saved, the tribe alongside the pirates fight to the depths off death killing everyone in the puny camp. Pan isn't really that gullible but when it comes to Coraline he becomes delirious. For us to look innocent we'll lock her up to keep her safe while 'fighting off her kidnappers'.

I run into some lost boys. Luckily I saw Felix, Felix and Pan were the only ones I knew among all of the Lost Boys. "Felix, I have a message for Pan." I called out, he stopped in his tracks along with the others " Do mind passing in on?"

"Not at all." He said with a poker face, irritation laced in his voice. Pan probably made them search the whole island.

" I want a truce"

" A truce?" Felix asked unsure, arching an eyebrow.

" Since both of us want to find Lin, we'll find her faster if we join forces."

"Why would highly-trained fighters team up with a bunch of hobos?" He asked bluntly, still with his poker face.

Hobos?! Once I'm done with you, you'll be a hobo.

~°~°~°~°~°~°Lion's Note ~°~°~°~°~°~°

Mellow! I missed ya guys so much.
Pan's Heart is officially off hold (is that how you say it?) Give me a week or two and I will be updating again. Tee Hee ( if ya know the reference comment down)

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