18: Your Guardian Angel

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4,000 reads Thank you loves!!! I know my updates is not going to be frequent but you still stood by me. I' m touched. Hope you enjoy this chapter. Picture above is to help your imagination.


"Are you serious? 90 more minutes " I complained waving my very tired hands. I have been practicing water bending magic thingy for now. Dim-wit a.k.a Seth He told me his name but I like calling him dim-wit. I get scolded every time I call him Dim-wit. At first controlling elements was fascinating and cool but after half day of practicing I realize that it takes a ton of energy. I wonder how tiring it is for Pan. " Coraline to Neverland!!!" Seth snapped me out of my little world of thoughts. "After one fire flower in the air then I'll let you go" Seth added after sighing in defeat. A fire flower is fire "Yay!!" I shouted jumping with glee. I made the fire flower and ran to the forest saying " Bye! Dim-wit". I took a few steps back ,slowed down and added "Thanks!". I forgave him for shooting me in the arm and all but I will still get him back somehow. 


"Have you seen Carrots?" I asked a lost boy who I believe named Daniel."No, sorry but Pan is actually looking for you" He answered giving me a small smile and heading on his way. I swiftly grabbed his arm and asked " Do you know where he is?". " Umm... I'm not sure but I think he's near our camp somewhere" he said unsure. " Alright, thanks" I said patting his arm letting him go.  I look up searching for Pan, it was night time so it was dark and silent. Breaking the unsettling silence was a snap of a twig making me look sideward it was two figures which became clearer when they came closer. It was just Pan with some lost boy who's name I can't remember, I think it was Jonas or joey not sure. " I told you. You can't go wandering around without my permission " Pan told me getting hold of my wrist. He started walking towards camp after signaling the lost boy to go ahead of us.  "I was just looking for you. I think he's name was Daniel, he told me you were looking for me" I practically squealed trying to get out of his iron grip. "Well how did the lessons go?" he asked casually as if I'm not dying to be set free. "Will you please let go ?!" I loudly pleaded. He did what I said and demanded an answer from me. 

Weird Bipolar Person. Suddenly so demanding. What was his question again? Oh.my.golly.What was his freakin' question?He is gonna kill me.

"Well a ran from Dim-wit and came back to camp looking for Carrots. Then I asked Daniel where Carrots was then he told me that he didn't know and that you were looking for me. I asked him where I could find you, he told me that you were probably near camp then I looked for you" I said unsure of my answer since I still didn't remember the question. He started laughing.

It's true what they say he really is a psycho. 

"I'm not a psycho" he said starting to straighten up. 

Did I say that out loud?!

"Yes, you did." Pan said smiling. "My question was how did the lessons go and your answer was a bit off topic. Now, your saying your thoughts aloud. Your quite funny if you think about it "He added in between chuckles. I just looked at him wide-eyed shocked. "Stop staring. Come On" he said gesturing for me to come along. " If that was your question. I had a great but tiring time. I learned the water and fire elements. My fire skills need a bit of tweaking but my water skills are great. I can't make a blue fire flower. I can only make red ones since there easier to make. I can also make dragons, butterflies and the sun" I blabbered then I had an idea "Scratch that. I can show you".

Then I focused on my hands imagining the dragon roaring then it appeared and then the butterflies that was the only time I realized that I had a pretty big audience composed of a bunch of lost boys and some tribal people. I needed to make a big spectacular ending. Letter C for Coraline but I got distracted when I saw Pan clap. I might despise him but it still is hard to impress Pan. Pan is a well- known evil psycho. The fire was every where.  I tried to get away from the wild fire, it was closing in on me. Then a pair of arms held me up and rescued me. It was Mr. Stranger wearing his mask again. " I'll clear their mindsand let you still have your fame, Coralyn" he said. " I will take care of your burns".  Then I got a loud applause and bowed still dizzy. Carrots walked me off the "stage" that was made by Pan out of the soil below me. "You were great!" Carrots hugged me. "I know " I said cockily and girlishly flip my hair as if  I wasn't still in shock and my head not spinning but I tried to be stable using Carrots as my cane.

Pan suddenly barked orders and I was ordered to go get some firewood. I knew it was my chance to go see the Jolly Roger and tell them my progress which I would just lie. I mean making Pan like me. We can't even stand each other. We sometimes talk normally but most of the time we get irritated of each other. I heard Nathan, a lost boy said to Pan " Permission to gather berries for tomorrow". I did the same thing so I wouldn't be too suspicious of obeying Pan's orders saying" Permission to gather firewood for...... fire".I ended it with a smile. Pan put his hand on his forehead and started smiling.  Still waiting for his reply my smile got wider and wider. Then the long awaited answer was a small nod. "Coraline!.....Don't wander around too long" Pan added " You were already tired because of your practice maybe you should rest . " No, I'll be fine" I said looking back.

Now off to Jolly Roger.

I was extra careful not to voice out my thoughts like before.

Could Pan be Mr. Stranger?? Next time I see Mr. Stranger I will ask him. 

I want to know his name and face. I don't want to call him some weird names.


Mystery Hero's Point Of View

Now I'm sure it is her. I still cannot believe it but  I just have to watch her from afar for awhile but I'll tell her when she's ready.

"I will be forevermore your guardian angel, Coralyn"

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