17: Dim-wit

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 •°•°•°•°•°•°Lion's Note°•°•°•°•°•°

Mellow! It's been a while but here's another chapter hope you like it. I didn't know what to write so sowiee.... Happy Reading :) For the ones that really want a romantic story. Sorry but I don't want to make a book that's so predictable so you'll have to wait and see.

P.S. It will always be Coraline Point Of View


"Nice to meet you, Coraline. Name's Seth" a tall brunette guy told me extending his hand. I  respectfully extended my hand and offered a friendly smile. The moment our hands connect a rush of memories came back to me. I remembered everything.

An excruciating pain goes to my shoulder and I could tell I've been shot with an arrow. When my grip loosened, I let go of my hostage and fall into the ground.

The Pain

The Arrow

His face

It all came back in a flash. Pan yelled at me trying to yank my hand off the one who shot me. I did not realize that I was actually squeezing his hand so hard until I looked at my hand not that I would have stop myself. He deserved it, he winced in pain. I unfortunately let go of his hand.

I inspected the damage that I have bestowed upon him. Not that I'm a sadist or anything but he deserved it. I was pretty proud of myself, his palm was red and you could see my fingers holding his hand. You could clearly see that the ring finger was broken.

"Okay, I kind of deserve that" he said shaking his hand wildly as if it would shake off the pain in his hands.

" Sure hell, you do" I sneered.

"Sorry, you had my father in hostage so it was only my instinct to protect my father " he defended himself.

My father.

Two words that stuck into my mind. Millions of questions rushed in my head.

Will I ever have a father like in the storybooks? the protective fathers or the supportive fathers..

"I'm sure you would have done that too if you were in my shoes" he added snapping me back into reality.

Would I protect Hook?

Would I have that instinct too? Or will I just help the person to kill him? Another wave of questions crashed in my mind.

I quickly cover up my sad and confused face that I didn't realize I did with a smirking one as soon as it came. "Yeah right, I would help the old man" I laughed it off like it was nothing. "Why won't you?" Dim-wit asked. My head instantly snapped at his direction and I shot daggers at him.

Lin count 1,2,3 I told myself.

I do not know if your plain dumb or just playing dumb either way I can kill you I told him in my mind.

Knowing it hit a nerve, Pan quickly interfered before I could pounce on dim wit which I am very grateful for. I do not want unnecessary blood on my hands. " That's enough. Both of you, Be. Nice." He sounded like a mother calming her two hyper kids which almost made me laugh even in a tense atmosphere. "Frying Pan, why can't you be the one to teach me?" I whined crossing my arms firmly.

" I have much more important stuff to do than to teach you" He stated. "Another thing do not called me Frying Pan. I'll be on my way now" He added when he realized his nickname.

"Frying Pan will never grow old, get it?"I told them in between laughs. They just stared at me like I was a mad woman.

Can't a comedian get a good applause here? I mentally rolled my eyes.

"I wanted to break the ice" I said plainly. They just nodded understandingly looking less shocked. "Instead I broke your finger" I added slapping one of my hands over my mouth to compress my laughter and the other clutching my stomach.

Maybe I could be a clown? Nah too creepy.

"Well I'll be going now" Frying Pan said. "Good Luck, Seth your gonna need it" he added smirking and  patting dumb wit's shoulder.

" What a punishment I having to be alone with her" Dim wit said before having a dramatic deep sigh.

" Is it not that obvious?" Frying Pan said annoyed.

I wish I have that much sass. Dang! You sassy.

"I'm right here, you know" I interrupted their conversation reminding them that I'm here while they have a sassy bromance quarrel.

Without another word Frying Pan was gone in thin air.  The air suddenly felt awkward. Dumb wit and me was looking at everything except ourselves. After a few minutes I realized that talking to each other was going to be inevitable so better start now.

"So..." I started thinking of a subject."You're going to teach me magic so do you have magic too" I finally decided the question after having a battle in my mind."Yeah, I do have magic the only peculiar thing is that I can not sense any on you" he said circling me like a predator. "Well you really have to sense magic on a person" I said more like asked him. " Yes, too know how powerful or how weak their power is compared to you". I nodded understanding his words "Can I ask a question?". "Your already asking a question" He smirked. "Pan is he powerful or weak?" I asked carefully choosing my words carefully.

He looked up as if calculating numbers. "He is pretty powerful if you ask me. He could take down the whole tribe if he wants too, you know"  He said facing me with a gentle smile on his face.

What's stopping him I wanted to ask but it could sound a bit rude and harsh.

As if in cue he suddenly speaks up again"In case you were wondering he doesn't attack us because when he wants something in the human world were the ones to go and we do his dirty work for him".

" Well, back to the subject. What am I going to do?" I said getting straight to the point. I like to get to know people to use their fears and secrets against them.

Do not think I'm a bad person I do that in order to protect and defend myself. Hook can do some pretty nasty things to people.

but right now I just want to get this over with.

"That is what I call straight to the point, Well first things, first you have to learn is concentration with everything going on you need to be able to concentrate on one thing but still aware of your surroundings".

Dim-wit is not so dim-witted after all.

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