12. lessons

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The brightness in the light was piercing. My eyes did not want to adjust instead they rebelled. I pulled the covers over my head and started to groan out.

Morning Clarisse time to begin this fabulous day. Georgina was always good with the dramatics. It was her specialty.

Ugh, do I have to? Nevermind don't answer that. I pulled the covers away and pulled myself up to get dressed.

When I finally made my way downstairs I noticed bags on the floor.. Elijah was just getting off the phone when I walked in.

I'll be away on business for few weeks. I expect you to behave. You know how I love to punish you. He warned with that sexy smile. That smile that always confused me. Making it difficult to hold onto the anger I held for him last night. Georgina has your instructions. He kissed my cheek and headed for the door.

I looked around at the emptiness in the rooms that surrounded me. I started to feel my inner brat make way to the surface and I went in search to find anything to complain about. When my search turned up nothing my eyes attended to the only visible sign it could. Georgina's list of things to do.

Georgina what are my instructions! I yelled outloud.

Girl, you don't have to holler I'm old not def. She said with a huff.

I would begin violin instructions with Jean Marc at 1pm and Piere Fosse for my French language at 3pm and then Simone Dubois for ballet at 6pm along with my other duties I would be kept plenty busy.

。.•*¨*•♬✧ a few weeks later

I was in the middle of a lesson when I noticed Elijah staring back at me. My hand slipped away from the cords messing up my tune making me turn red at the embarrassment.

You look amazing he said with a welcoming smile.

I'm horrible still. I said in a sulk.

You'll get better he encouraged.

I brought you something he said gesturing me to sit before he handed me a wrapped box.

The box was a pretty decent size. I smiled and then tore into the paper until just the box remained. I opened the box thinking puppy but another dress sat in its place. I didnt mean to frown. I was always told I had an expressive face. It probably screamed disapointment.

Whats the matter? He asked sadly.

I just thought it was going to be a puppy.

I'm sorry your disappointed. I could imagine how lonely you get. He sighed a deep long breath as if imagining how to solve the problem. I cant stand animals but do you like the dress.

I met his eyes in a soft glance.. Of course it's lovely.

I know since loosing Michelle you've been lonely. My trips can be long. You wont be alone for long there will be someone joining us soon. Her name is Lylianna. I hope that you will be kind in welcoming her to our home. You remember how well you were treated so keep that in mind.

He always had to speak with me in a lecture as if he didn't know me by now. He didnt have to tell me about manners and what was right. I know how to treat people.

I have paperwork so I'll see you at dinner. Keep practicing he said pointing to my violin.

I remained in the study to finish my lessons when a knock came at the door.

A tall nice looking black man stood at the entrance as Georgina opened the door.

How can I help you?

I'm here to see Elijah please.

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