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The next day he went back to ignoring me. I felt so conflicted about this man. I havnt been here that long but already I've seen so many sides to him that it left me feeling overwhelmed. I often wondered who the man truly was. Was he holding back? Have I seen all that there was to see? The man had layers and soon I would experience the worst of him.

My spine stiffens at the sound of his voice behind me. I briefly look over my shoulder to Elijah right behind me. Not one foot but inches.

His open shirt and bare chest brush my side, I feel the heat of him as he leans over me. I wait biting my lip nervously.

I try not to show I'm nervous or give off the vibe that I find him extremely attractive in the golden rays of the twilight. His raging emerald green eyes dont have to find mine for him to order me, however his gaze rests toward the back patio. His eyes burning with desire so much so they seem to have a sparkle to them.

Follow me. He doesn't even have to raise his voice to me. I watch as he stalks off out through the sliding glass.

The air was cool as the sun had already set behind the mountains. I could still sense the heavy clouds above us. I followed him out past the gardens keeping a few feet distance between us. I started to shiver at the sound of grumbling in the clouds that began as the storm started to roll in. It was going to rain soon.

We are going to sit out here in the rain? I asked confused as I dared to meet his gaze.

He watches me without blinking. He doesn't say a word as my fingers nervously start to fidget. I furrow my eyebrows as I realize this is where he wants to be. Standing by this big oak tree. There was nothing else out here but trees. It was quiet and we were alone.

Why are we out here I ask.

You don't need to ask questions Clarisse but obey every command I give you. My heart starts to race as he approaches me.

Elijah is unnerving. The dominance that emminates from him feels dark and a little disheartening. Still a part of me wants nothing more than to appease him.

I gulp as he reaches out to slide his hands down my arms. Until his hands reach mine. He then hooks my fingers through the loop of his non denim suit style slacks. My first instinct told me to pull away but the pin point in his pupils warned me against it.

I focused on the warmth of his skin across his hips. His skin was so soft the complete opposite of him and his intentions. I could smell his cologne even more through the damp crisp air. His smell was enticing and completely deceiving. I knew a part of me craved to taste him but I also understood the danger in such desires and it left a frightening worry settle in the back of my mind.

I gulp as my eyes glance over the bulge that pokes from beneath his slacks and know that its for me.

Have you ever taken a man inside your mouth. Dont lie to me. I shook a worried no all while holding his gaze.

I had sex before a couple of times but it wasn't extensive. I still felt very innocent, unblemished by the world. It happened with the lights off and in a regular position and really I had no experience at all when it came to pleasure. I imagined for a moment me tasting him and felt scared. I really didn't know what I was doing. A small part of me didn't want to disappoint him.

I decide quickly that I hate this. I hate the uncertainty of it. I can feel his judgment as he eyes me with expectations.

I lean back against the tree trunk trying to hold my body upwards. I feel dizzy with worry.

So you think you are ready for this. He growls. Then he steps into the light and this is when I see it in his eyes. He is aroused and full of lust but its so intense it feels like fury.

Breaking Clarisse ***completed***Where stories live. Discover now