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The next morning I rushed downstairs to the kitchen. I was starving and wanted to grab a bite before Jeremiah came down. Avoiding him felt like the right thing to do. Just as I rounded the corner I heard him yelling at one of his servants.

Shit I attempted to turn back around but wasn't fast enough.

There she is. Just in time for breakfast. Sleep well he asked as I moved passed him.

Yes. I grabbed a mug and poured myself some tea. I was hoping to avoid you all together I smirked at my honestly.

Your activities last night in the sack were extreme no doubt but it will take more than that to put me on my back for an entire morning you tricky little vixen. Besides you'd be bored without me all alone in this big ass place and I have tons I wanted to show you.

Very well. I shrugged my shoulders casual like I didnt have a care in the world and continued to sip my tea.

Well don't look so fucking Grimm about it sweetheart.

No its just that I'm worried about Elijah actually. I was worried about Elijah. I was also curious as to how Jeremiah felt about the situation. He seemed ok with the idea of pissing off Elijah but really had he thought about the outcome of where that frustration would land.

Feeling guilty are we?

What do I tell him. He's gonna want to know. I'm not sure I want that wrath.

Oh yes. You should definatly tell him. He snarked with an evil grin.

I found his sparkling personality more irritating this morning. Sure I knew him as rude and selfish but the fact that he put me in this position I felt at least warranted some compassion on his part. Even when he was trying to be vexatious he had this adorable way about him. He had this seductive grin and a chiseled square jaw sporting a unique double chin that was to die for. The sexy way his eyebrows bounced as he laughed. Besides the fact that I was enjoying him was annoying in itself.

Well I don't have a choice now do I. Its not like the two of you have to ever dealt with consequences. I added.

That's enough of that he scowled. He grabbed my hand and pulled me to follow him outside.

The instant we made it outside to the gardens that worry drifted away.. It was a beautiful day outside. Too beautiful to be worried about such things.. We walked passed his gardens to a caged area.

I didnt take you for an animal lover. Do you ride? I asked as we Passed a few horses. I do actually. We made it into an opened up area surrounded by more trees. So many birds flying around. So many different colors.

They're all endangered. He said as he looked up to view them scatter about.

You collect them. I asked.

I do. When they can't find a place for them I take them in.

They're beautiful.

He held his arm out and started to whistle just before one landed on him.

Oh I said in shock as I backed away. Wow. He was amazing with them. Passionate about protecting them. Jeremiah Landon actually cared about something.

Hold out your arm. He said looking to me with a seriousness that I hadnt seen in him before..

Oh no. I shook my head in doubt thinking he was crazy.

Just do it. He grabbed holding my arm out straight. I fussed but would never win against a determined Jeremiah.

I did and the bird wandered across my arm. When he began to whistle back to it it started to dance on her arm making them both laugh. Soon she smiled forgetting the fact that she was scared.

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