15. New Arrangement

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I suddenly felt sick to my stomach. I was frozen in place. For ever trying to figure out a way out of this situation. I didnt see another way..

How do I know you'll keep your word. After you've had me whats to keep you from going back and hurting my family.

My word is gold. I don't have a desire for your family I want you Clarisse. In fact, I've found there isn't much I won't do where you're concerned. I find it overly frustrating that you have slipped through my fingers time and time again..

His mood shifted. He was more quiet as he stepped closer. His steps deliberate almost calculated. As if agitated at the very discussion. His cock eating grin was now removed as if the playfulness had been long forgotten.

What does that mean exactly? Have you come for me before?

One time, before you were taken. He sucked in a breath as if trying to recompose himself all while tugging on his expensive suit. Perhaps by doing so to hide his emotions. It was a trait that he and Elijah shared in common among other things. I then watched him exaggerate his movements as he settled himself on a chair next to the liquor stand.

My guy almost had you but then last minute you decided to go home for school break. Even then I had an urge that I couldn't leave alone. I had to have you. If I had taken you then, you would have been mine. I don't know what I was thinking having you added to that lotto like that. Stupid. He mused.

He seemed aggrivated and then he became quiet as he stared out of the window into the distance. Probably replaying the events over in his mind of how things went wrong. Even seeing him now my rebellious side didn't feel sorry for him. I was glad he was in torment.

But hey maybe its true what they say. I just have to have my way.

It must be exhausting being you. I said shaking my head.

You have no idea.. he answered teasingly. So you say yes and those are yours. He stated referring to the photos.

I walked over to the table taking every photo in my hand. I was already making that choice.. yes I said as I dropped them in the fire. I stood there watching them burn, watching them turn to ash solidified our arrangement.

If you like I can even arrange a phone call. One last phone call so that you can hear them a final time. They wouldn't be able to hear you on the other end of course but I could make it happen.

No. I turned to face him.. I just want your word that you will never go near any of them ever.

I thought about it and sure it be great to hear my family once more. Even for a second of that familiar comfort that I missed so much. But really, in my experience its best not to taunt yourself with pleasures that you can't have. Just thinking about it has stirred a panic that I just can't bother with. It took me several months just to adjust to this life that was forced on me. I can't go back to that now. I wont do it.

Of course that's the deal. He said as I breathed a sigh of relief to the end of the matter.

He points to the shiner under her eye. Like he's been holding it in all night. Something tells me you deserved that.

I almost forgot about the perfectly shaped shiner that decorated my face. Along with the reminder of how I disobeyed him in an act of defiance. Still if I could go back I wouldn't change a thing.

More like earned it. I snapped jerking away from his grasp.

I was proud of it actually. I stood up to Elijah regarding spending this weekend here. I'm glad I lost that fight now but really I still had alot of fight left.

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