Bone Cracked Jack

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Hey guys. So this part doesn't exactly go with the story itself. This is just an add on. A small short story that went with trafficking somewhat.  It was just an idea I had and wanted to write about it.  Anyways enjoy.

The blue basement door. It was God awful. The color was deceiving and it smelt of old farts. There was mystery and horror behind that door. Its been here since we moved in and I've never been down there. I remember my ma and pa adimate about me never going through it.

The basement is no place for a child. Is what they would say. Its locked for a reason. They would say.

On many occasions my best friend Becky and I would spend hours staring at the door and wonder what lay behind it. I often got tired of that game but Becky always seemed interested in coming up with new theories especially with all the town gossip about people dispearing and once we heard that the previous owner had committed suicide but we were always told to shut up about it.

You've really never been in there. Becky said sitting next to me on the sofa.

I've told you its off limits. I sighed and laid my head against the soft, tan sofa looking up at the ceiling. Remembering a scary something I swore I'd never repeat.

It was a stormy night. Thunder crackled and shot across the night sky. It was loud but that wasnt the unnerving part about that night. There was a mysterious loud thumping that remained constant throughout the night.

Thump, thump, Thump.

Almost like something wanted me. Wanted me to go search for the sound. Even the whispers grew agitated. I couldn't sleep at all that night, even when I finally went down to that blue door.

I tried the doorknob but nothing. It was locked tight but I could hear something moving from the otherside.

What was it?

I got down on my knees to peek under the crack. I was scared of course but when I looked, there was nothing.

Crack! POP! BOOM!

The thunder rolled scaring the crap out of me but then it happened. I saw shadows moving under the door. Shadows of monsters and the horrible sound of bones cracking. Fingernails scratching.

I ran and ran and jumped under the covers so scared. Feeling like I wasn't entirely alone.

I'll never tell them. They would laugh, probably wouldn't believe me anyhow.

Becky still couldn't keep her eyes from off the door. What do you think is in there. She said again.

Nothing good. I responded feeling a chill just like I did that night.

We best forget about it. Kenny says. My mum says its where nightmares are made.

Pfft, haha. We both laugh at him.

I'm serious guys. He says. She says that Bone-Crack Jack lives down there.

Oh really, Becky states now making fun as she mocks his words.

Becky sat forward and looked at me. I know your curious.

I rolled my eyes. Sure yeah but you do know what they say about this place.

Yeah. Becky smiled trying to contain her laughter. You still can't find the key can you?

I smiled back. I have looked everywhere for that stupid thing.

The two friends burst out in laughter until a loud boom-boom came from the other side of the door.

Becky and I looked at one another. The color drained from our faces. We stepped closer. And then closer still until we were directly in front of it.

Kenny frozen in behind us watches, trembling where he stood.

I looked over at her then back to the door. Then the door just opened.



The sound of screams. Bones cracking and eerie scrapping.

I didnt want to hear it anymore but I had no power to stop it.

I close my eyes. I still hear it.

I cover my ears yet it continues.

I never thought I'd ever been as scared as I was that day.

I was wrong. So very wrong...

He tells me that he's dangerous. That he's killed people and that I should understand that if he has to, he will do it again.

I start to feel the effects of the drugs they gave me. My body feels heavy.

I'm scared.

I try to focus on my breathing but then I hear him in the background. I hear him rummaging through things and my mind imagines the worst things.

I hear a ripping, and what sounds like masking tape. Every horror movie I've ever seen starts to flood my thoughts and I'm just terrified. Any given moment could be my last.

He warns me not to scream. This wasn't meant for you. He says. It was meant for your sister Jane.

My sister? How do they know my sister? Why do they want my sister?

I hold people for the black market and you were a mistake. He tells me. You should not have been taken he lets out a deep frustrated sigh.. Behave and you'll be set free within 48 hours. Fight me and I won't have any problems getting rid of you.

What? Why would he tell me that. Then I remembered something horrible. The whispers.

The whispers behind the blue door told me this would happen. But thats just....

Thats non-sense right?

My vision was blocked so I had no idea what he looked like.

There was only his voice. Deep almost soothing but in a frightening sort of way. Almost deceiving so I didn't know for sure to trust what he said.

He likes to listen to music. He hums as he listens.

Trickery that makes him seem normal. I know he can't be normal he kidnaps people. There is a heaviness in his steps that frighten me.

Its heartbreaking to think I have no control. My life is in his hands.

He keeps reminding me that he has no intentions of causing me harm.. He makes it clear that I'll probably deal with long term trauma and that he's sad that he's the one to cause this but I believe its an attempt to dehumanize me in some twisted way..

He conditions me for well behavior. He's gentle but its only an illusion.

Bone- Crack Jack was right. I would never escape him.

My associates are on there way so what ever you do don't engage with any of them. They aren't as nice as me. Best pretend your asleep.

Then I hear the cars pull up.

Things of this nature never end well. The talking sounds strianed, heated almost. Then the footsteps and my heart starts to race.

Its been decided.

Oh Fuck, whats been decided?

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