ch. 9 'a black shiny gun'

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I have been up for about a day what the hell..I am going to write you lovelees a chapter cuz I rock :D 

*not edited* 

song of the day: She Wolf- David Guetta

vote comment and all that good shit lovelees!!! 



I went to school for the rest of the week and Jay kept his word. He was with me when he could be and if he wasn't, then other member's were keeping watch over me. To be honest by Friday I was slightly aggravated about it. I felt like a child who needed a damn babysitter...and I'm 18.

Jay told me that this weekend would be the start of my 'recruit training'. He seemed so excited like he was going to turn me into a secret ninja assasin or some shit. It was adorable. I'll admit I've grown close to him. When I first met him and his cocky possessive attitude, I wanted to rip his balls off and shove them down his throat, but he has grown on me and I see now that he wants to be my big bad protector. It's kinda hot.

People at school have also noticed us getting closer and the fact that I associate with the others as in Nick, Trevor, Mark, Kale, and Drake....well let's just say people don't look me in the eye anymore. The boy's were all attractive, but I had a feeling Jay would frigin collar me if I attempted to flirt with any one of them. He is the dominant type after all...which reminds me..I wonder how he is in bed. I mentally shook those naughty thoughts away. Focus Sadi..your on a damn hitlist.

Ash knew about this hitlist and she constantly glared at Jay because it was technically his fault. Jay would just glare back or just grab my face and stick his tongue down my throat. So mature....I know, you would think a gang leader would handle himself better.

Jay ended up driving me to his place Friday after school to meet with everyone and talk about what we would start off with. I went into the living room and sat down while Jay grabbed some beers for everyone. "Kitten, we got a present for you and you are to wear it at all times when not here or at your house." He said while opening his beer and I nodded. He reached behind the couch and handed me a black leather jacket. I stared at it and gave him a quizzical look which he smiled at.

"The leather is our trade mark and I'm sure you've noticed we all own and wear one. It protects us I guess you could say, like if someone pulls a knife on you." He explained. Trevor nodded, "and they look badass...the ladies gotta love a bad boy." He winked at me and I laughed. Man-whores.

Drake stood up and walked over to me. "We have one more thing to give you." He looked at Jay and Jay nodded. He then handed me a gun. Yes a gun. A black shiny gun. I don't know what kind it was or any of that crap because I never once expected to own one. I grasped it in my hands and inspected it.

"This is the saftey. When it's on it will not go off, you can try to pull the trigger, but nothing will happen. You must always remember to flick the saftey off when you need to fuck someone up." Jay pointed and showed me the saftey release and I nodded showing him I understood. "To cock the gun you pull it back like this." He showed me. "The gun is semi-automatic and is just like the ones we have."

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