ch. 22 'declaration'

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It's going back to normal with Sadi's POV.

Song of the day: Descontrol- Daddy Yankee

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I heard how she cowarded like a little bitch to Erik as the sounds were getting louder from somewhere in the warehouse. I smiled. I knew it was him. The one I fell in love with. Yes love. I loved Jay Collins and if I ever got out of the ropes holding me to the damn chair I would throw myself in his arm's and tell him exactly that.

I watched Ash run the opposite direction of the noise. I assume Erik told her to run away and call her daddy for backup. Ha...I hope they all get what's coming to them. Erik turned to me and sneered, but I just looked up at him with a smug expression on my face. "I told you he would come for me." I stated, still holding the smug look. He slapped me in the face, adding more bruised to the already swollen flesh.

I spit out even more blood. I was thankful my rescue was here because I didn't know how much longer I could of lasted before I just cracked. I knew that was what they were waiting on. It was obvious by them not killing me. "I guess I'll just have to kill you before they can make it to you." He brought out the gun that was behind him at his back.

My eye's widened. This was it. This was how I was going to die, even though help was so damn close. I struggled against the ropes franticly even though I knew it was of no use. He laughed at me as I did that. "Good bye Mersadis. I'll see you in hell." He raised the gun so it aligned with my head, cocked it back, and pulled the trigger.

It must of been the exact second he pulled the trigger that Jay tackled him from behind because I felt the stinging pain in my shoulder. I knew I wasn't hit in the head and I was still alive because of Jay and his impeccible timing. My shoulder felt as if it was on fire and I couldn't help but cry out in pain.

I tried to take my mind off the pain as I watched Jay lay punch after punch and kick after kick on Erik. Erik was no match for Jay, he wasn't even able to get a punch in. He was a pathetic excuse for someone who was supossedly in a gang.

"I should of figured you would be in on this you fuckin' piece of shit." Jay yelled as he continued to rain punches on his face while Erik attempted to block them. Jay gave once last kick to his rips and Erik just stayed on the ground. You could tell he gave up and knew he was about to die.

"I'm going to enjoy this. This is for everything you did to Sadi." Jay calmly said as he pulled the trigger twice. A bullet going into his chest and one into his skull. "Jay I hate to interupt, but my shoulder is on fire and I lost alot of blood." I weakly rasped out. Jay turned my way and was instantly at my side to undo the ropes.

"Baby I'm so sorry this happened to you. We need to get you to the hospital before you bleed out." I hissed as he picked me up bridal style. "Sorry kitten I didn't mean to hurt you baby." He whispered into my hair as we rushed out to the car. "Kale head to the hospital now!" I heard Jay shout.

"Baby this is going to hurt, but I have to put pressure on the wound to slow the bleeding." I nodded slowly and screamed when he did it. He kept whispering sweet words in my ear along with I'm sorry's. The pain was almost unbearable and I could feel myself slipping into unconciousness. My eye's were closing and Jay turned frantic. "Kitten baby come on stay awake for me. You need to open your eyes. Come one baby, open them!" He was yelling, but it was useless as I slipped into a dreamless sleep.

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