ch. 24 'I don't go for pedo's'

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 Happy St. Patty's day!

So originally I was going to make this a two part thing, but I decided against it and just made it two different chapters......and now for the continuation....

Song of the day: Control- Garbage

Vote comment and all that good shit!

<3 Stephi


"I wouldn't make any sudden movements if I were you...Sadi."  I knew I was in deep shit right at that moment. I've never heard the voice before, but I could only assume it was Wes. With a gun pointed at my head. Deja vu much? Now where was Jay when I needed him?

Breathe Sadi, I chastisted myself. Think back to training, what do I have to do to get out of this situation and reverse it. I thought and thought. No one moved or talked. We stood there for what seemed like an hour, but in reality it must of been two minutes. 

"Look's like your boyfriend and daddy aren't here to save you this time sweet Sadi." He said and I scoffed. "I don't need them to come save me, why don't you put down the gun and not be a little bitch. Anyone can point a gun at someone from behind. That is such a bitch move." I sneered at the asshole.

I then felt the gun being lowered. Wow, who would of thought my speech would of worked. "Your right my sweet, so why don't you turn around so I can point it at your pretty face." He said with what sounded like a smile on his face. I did what he said and slowly turned around to face him. In the distance I still heard gun shots and shouting and was praying someone would bust up into this room.

He was an older man, about my father's age. Dark brown hair, almost black, brown eyes, tall, lean and slightly muscular. You could tell he didn't do the dirty work often. He had that pretty boy look to him. Figures. "My are much prettier in person. Maybe I should keep you alive to be my little sex toy." He stated and I just about threw up in my mouth. No way in hell was I going to allow that to happen. I would rather of been shot in the back.

"I don't think so buddy. I don't go for pedo's." I smiled sweetly at him and he just smirked in return. "Feisty, Erik was right. No wonder you didn't break as quick as I wanted you too." I was thinking about my options. I could pull a gun right now, but chances were he would shoot me first or tackle me down to the floor. I still had my knife also, thankfully I didn't leave it in the guards side.

Or I could try and distact him, play the good girl part and act like I was on his side, but a part of me was disguted just by that thought. I would feel like a traitor. I knew I still had my spare gun in my boot. I stopped thinking and just acted. I ran toward him and tackled him to the floor. He wasn't expected it, sure it was a stupid move due to the fact he had a loaded gun in his hand, but I didn't have many options.

We both fell to the floor and his gun went off. I covered my head even though I knew it would be of no use. I used the noise as a distraction and tried to wrestle the gun out of his hands. He had a steel grip on it. "You think you can beat me you little bitch?" He spat at me.

"Yeah I fuckin' do you piece of shit." I spat right back, I refused to go out without a fight. I was going to win this for my family. I punched him in the face and was happy to hear the noise of a bone cracking. Blood gushed out if his nose. I proceeded to punch him in the face, giving him a busted lip and a black eye. He elbowed me in the rip and I sucked in a breathe. 

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