ch. 13 'two simple words'

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I am sorry for the delay in updating, normally it's an every other day thing, but with my phone not letting me upload without scrambled chapter's happening, I'm doing the best I can. I put a little pov from Jay in this one..becuase I love him haha

Song of the day: Chalk Outline- Three Days Grace

Don't forget to vote follow comment and all that good shit....

<3 Stephi


Jay's POV

       I stood there shocked as did the guy's. Never did we ever expect her to actually shoot someone and she did it with no hesitation and no problem. Right in the head. It was a shot that all of us would of done. Part of me was worried that she was going to break now that she killed someone...even though it was in her blood to do so, not everyone could handle this sort of thing. Another part of me thought this was the sexiest thing I have ever seen. Yeah, I'm a sick man, sue me.

I cleared my throat after we sat there in silence for a few minutes. "Alright, Drake and Nick, take the body to his territory. Think of it as sending them a message back." I said in a cold voice. They nodded and went to start untying the guy off the chair. Sadi was still standing in front of him with the gun in her hand hanging at her side.

I slowly walked up behind her and reached for the gun and grabbed it. She didn't put up a fight with I was happy about, because I really didn't want that sort of drama fighting over a gun. "Kitten....are you okay?" I know it was a dumb question to ask considering what she just did, but I had to know. She nodded and watched as Drake and Nick started carrying him off to the car to drop him off.

Everyone else looked at me and I nodded for them to leave us alone. I needed to make sure my girl was okay. I walked up to the front of her after putting the gun at my back with my own and grabbed her face in my hands to look into her eyes. The eyes are a window to the soul so they say and I wanted to see what they were about to tell me.

We didn't say anything, we just stared at each other. Words weren't needed. She dropped her gaze to my lips and bit her bottom lip, right then I was done for. I leaned in and kissed her. I loved the taste of her, like cotton candy. The kiss was soft and passionate and I nibbled on her bottom lip to gain entrance and she gave it up immediatly. As out tongues danced, I ran my hands along her body in a tender caress until I reached her ass. I grabbed it and picked her up. She jumped up and wrapped her legs around my waist as her hands went around my neck and fingers into my hair.

We started kissing more heavily until she pulled her head back taking a much needed breath, but I wanted, no needed more. I began to kiss down her jawline down to her neck, leaving little hickies from sucking and biting. The noises she was making was almost my un-doing and I wanted nothing more then to take her to the office room and take her..hard until I heard her screaming my name.

"Kitten we need to slow down or I'm not going to be able to stop, you have no idea how hard it is for me to right now." I said, my voice husky and deep. She pouted and I nipped her bottom lip. She knows how I feel about that.

"Maybe I don't want to stop Jay, maybe I want you to take me...besides, I can feel how hard it is." She said breathlessely and I groaned, that little minx. "Kitten you don't know what your saying." I tried to plead with her, right now she was vulnerable and I didn't want to do anything she would regret tomorrow. I cared to much for this girl to do that, any other girl I wouldn't give two shits about, but Sadi was mine.

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