ch. 23 'Bulletproof'

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Thanks to all the votes and followers and reads!! Love you awesome people!

Song of the day- This war is Ours- Escape the Fate

Vote comment and all that good shit!

<3 Stephi


Jay's POV

   I sat there growing a headache which was getting worse after each minute that went on. We were currently in the bosss' office, shooting idea's of how we were going to go about this. I was to the point where I said fuck the plan, let's just roll up in that bastard's house and start shooting everything that moved. 

After what they did to Sadi, I just have had enough. This problem needed to be fixed and it would never get fixed unless Wes was dead. They would always find a way to get to Sadi and hurt her. But it wasn't even that, this was revenge as well.

"Why don't we just go in and start shooting?" I asked bluntly. Boss gave me a look as to say 'what are you stupid'. I shrugged at him. "Well what's the worst that could happen? Honestly, I don't think they would expect that. They know this is coming at some point, but they probley think that we are going to come up with some complicated plan or some shit. Let's just catch em by surprise." 

After my little speech, everyone was quiet and thinking about what I said. "It could work." Nick stated hesitantly, afraid of what the boss would say for agreeing with me. He still looked to be thinking hard about it. "How would we know if he was even there? His house could just be a cover and he could be layin low with that wife and kid he has." Boss said.

"That could very well be true, but what are our options?" I asked. "Um I might be able to hack into their security cameras and see if they are there or not." Trevor inputted and I smiled. He was one of the best to have in this gang. Not many people had his talents and we were lucky to have snatched him up before someone else did.

Boss nodded. "Alright, let's see if you can do that, but don't let them notice your hacking into their shit or everything will be for nothing. If they are there we will make a plan of attack." He finalized and everyone nodded and got up to leave.

Sadi was still where I left her, laying her lazy ass on the couch. I chuckled as I sat back down next to her. She looked up to me and smiled. "Everything go okay in there?" She asked sweetly. "Yup and no I'm not tellin you what is going on because I don't want you involved." I said, leaving no room for arguement. She pouted causing me to nip her bottom lip. She knows better.

"If I want to go no one is going to stop me ya know. I have a gun and I know how to use it." She simply said, going back to her show. I ignored it, I wasn't in the mood to argue about this. I didn't want her going. I mean shit the last time I let her go with us she was kidnapped and beat to shit. Not to mention shot.

I was lucky to get there just at the right second or that would if been her head with the bullet hole not her shoulder. I don't know what I would of done if she would of died. I would probley go on a suicide mission leaving no survivors. "I love you kitten, you know that right?" I whispered to her as I layed down against her, pulling her into my chest.

She nodded and whispered a yes. I tickled her sides and she laughed and squirmed in my arms. "Don't you have something to say other then yes?" I asked her while laughing. Her laughing made me want to. She was my kryptonite. "Okay okay! I love you too! Are you happy now?" She said, still laughing.

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