ch.2 'wipe the drool up'

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Yay for another chapter so soon...yes i give myself credit for something so small

song for this chapter is  

Skylar grey- c'mon let me ride 

first time i heard i danced like an idiot in the car... 

so anywhoos...the show goes on! 

*not edited*

vote comment and all that good shit xD 



After about a 25 minute drive of talking about mindless crap, we finally arrived at casa de Jay. "Hmm to be honest I was expected like a cabin in the woods..ya know..away from people...get it?" I joked and laughed at the same time. "Oh my god much have you drank? It's only been 20 minutes for fucks sake." Ashlee screeched loudly. I winced and looked at the bottle of vodka i snatched before we left the house. There was a good portion missing. I smirked at her. "Relax Ash, I'm pregaming for this bitch! Want some? I know you dooooooo." I waved my lovely bottle in her face as I stepped out of the car.

She laughed. "Yeah yeah gimme some, I have a feeling were gunna need it." She took a large gulp and handed it back to me, wincing as it burned down her throat. "Eric my good man, would you like some of this?" I asked and he hesitantly nodded his head. I smiled and handed it to him. He took a couple of swiggs and handed it back to me. I checked the bottle and it was about half way gone. more sharing.

"Jesus what the hell is that..lighter fluid?" Ash and I looked at each other and busted out laughing. "Aww baby you okay?" She cuddled up to his side and kissed him on the lips. Eric wrapped his arm around her waist and kissed her back, deepening the kiss. I cleared my throat more loud then necessary. " Um can we keep it PG for now? When we get inside this place you can find a room and screw like rabbits..alright?" I rolled my eyes and started heading towards the house.

As I continued walking to the house, I could already hear the music pumping and people all around. Some puking on the lawn or smoking. The house was pretty big, two stories and light blue siding, but the closer i got to the door the more I noticed this was a major bachlor pad. I turned around and seen Ash and Eric right behind me. "Ready kiddies?" I smiled cheekly at them. "Hell yeah bitch lets do this." Ash said while swinging her arm around my shoulder. "Sadi, stay clear of golf carts okay?" I flipped Eric off after his sly comment. He laughed and shook his head walking past us into the house, but not before giving Ash a kiss and stating to see her in a bit.

I took a deep breath and walked inside with Ash and can I say holy shit. There were so many damn people in here. Some I recognized and some I didn't. The ones I didn't looked dodgy like they should be hangin out in a biker bar or something, but then I remember we were in a gang leaders house.

Looking at Ash, we both nod are heads and go straight to where the drinks were. "They better have shit besides beer. That stuff tastes like crap." Ash mutters and I smile. "It's beer. It gets the job done and after you drink one the rest taste like water." I say while making our way to the makeshift bar.

The bar was basically the island inside of the kitchen with someone standing behind it. Bottles of different kinds of liquers were scattered around and I assumed the beer was behind the island. What really caught my attention was the guy serving the drinks. He was tall,about 6'1, shaggy dirty blond hair and blue eyes, dressed in a simple white v neck and some dark jeans. He was attractive.

"What can I get you two beautiful ladies?" He smirked at us. That typical panty dropping smirk that all men seemed to have mastered. "Well sexy I would love a rum and coke" Ash purred. I giggled, the girl was shameless, but I love her to bits. The dude made her drink,handed it to her and looked at me. "Hmm I take a beer,any kind will do, and your name handsome." He smiled at me, not a smirk, but a real smile. Adorable. "The names Kale, and you are?" I smiled back at him. " how bout that drink" I winked and Ash laughed.

He chuckled, shook his hand and opened the bottle handing it to me. Grabbing it, I blew him a kiss and walked to what looked like the living room where most of the people seemed to be hanging out, with Ash.

Ash elbowed me and pointed to a corner of the room. "Look it's Jay and his crew." I looked to where she was still pointing and I seen him. I just stared, I couldnt help it. He is the definition of sexy, but not the boy you want to bring home to mom. Black cropped hair, dark brown-black eyes, and i think i seen a lip ring. He had a black wife beater on with dark blue jeans and a spiked belt. The shirt made his biceps drool-worthy if I do say myself and you could see the outline of his ab's. He also has a bunch of tattoos, though I could see what they were, I'd still run my tongue along them.

I must have been staring for a long time becuase Ash snapped her finger's in front of my face to snap out of my trance like state. "Damn Sadi, wipe the drool up." I slapped her shoulder and rolled my eyes,but discretely made sure there was no drool. Hey, you can never be to sure. "Ash when the hell did he get so sexy. He even looks seriously bad ass. He's like one of those exotic flower's that you can look at because they are gorgeous,but can't touch because they can kill you. Oi" I fanned my face and we both started laughing.

We seen a bunch of people from school and were just talking and chatting with everyone for awhile, had a few more drinks, and we all decided we wanted to dance a bit.

Making our way out to the makeshift dance floor, which was the middle of the living room, we all started to shake it. Eric ended up joining us and grabbed Ash to dance and I just kind of did my own hip swing type of dance. To be honest I dance like a fish out of water, but it's all in good fun. One of are favorite songs called 'c'mon let me ride' by Skylar Grey came on and me and Ash squeeled and started to sing and laugh.

"If you a sweet tooth,  

you can taste my watermelons 

if the swing set bores you, 

I can show you all my talents"

At this point we were drunk and just didn't care that we were singing loudly and people were watching us.

"C'mon let me ride your bicycle, 

it's so fantastical, on your bicycle"

Eric was shaking his head and laughing at Ash and me as we shouted the chorus, when all of a sudden I felt hands going around my waist. I didn't really care and just danced with who ever was behind me. Well it was more like grinding now, but oh well. Ash tried to mouth something at me, but I wasnt understanding and I shouted "what?". She then pointed behind me and I turned my head around.

There he stood in all his sexy glory. Jay Collins. Hands on my waist. Dancing.With.Me.

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