ch. 4 'up shits creek without a paddle'

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Another chapter...due to my boredom..might as well do something useful and write. At this point I somewhat know where im going with this story but i would love some input and opinions... yeah those are always good xD 

*not edited* 

ya know the drill...comment vote..and all that good shit

<3 Stephi 


Waking up Monday morning, I was completely dreading school. All day yesterday I lounged around with a hell of a hangover, which of course caused me to get a lecture from my mom about being responsible and not getting shit faced. Her words not mine.

Ash called and wanted every last detail of what went down at the party after she left me for Eric. I explained all that happened and she would squeel and gasp and sound utterly excited about this so called 'mark' that asshole left on me. I also haven't seen nor heard from Jay since he walked away from me, but that may be because I left right after. Thank god for cabs.

So now I must attend school and deal with the stares and whispers about what happened. I truly hope that when he said 'im his and that no other guy will try anything' was a fluke. I mean..I'm 18 and young, I want to be able to go on dates and enjoy myself, not be branded as some bad boy's property.

Sighing I jumped in the shower to start getting ready. 


Hopping out of my car in the school parking lot, I could already see people turning there heads to look at me like I was a damn science experiment. Shaking my head, I started walking to the door, when I hear Ash yelling my name from across the parking lot. To be honest I was thankful to not have to do the walk of shame alone. I chuckled at that thought.

" are seriously the biggest news since sliced cheese." I looked at her like she grew a second head. "Um Ash I'm pretty sure it's sliced bread, but anyways..what are the children of the corn saying about me?" I asked as we walked in the door. It's funny, in movies when the teen goes into an area and everyone goes silent, you would never think that would happen in real life. Think again.

"What the fuck are you all staring at? Move on with your lives people!" I shouted at them. This has gotten old quick, I swear if I see Jay I'm so killing him. Twice.

"Well.. that outburst was kinda funny." I glared at her while opening my locker and grabbing the books I needed. "Okay..anyways, they are saying how you are untouchable now by anyone of the male species and the popular plastic sluts are pissed off that Jay apparently 'marked and claimed' you. So.... I'm thinking you now have enemies and are very well known." She finished her rambling out of breath and I just snorted at this news.

"Marked and claimed me? What the hell.. is he a werewolf or some shit now? Unbelievable! Have you seen him at all? I swear I want to shove this damn history book so far up his ass he won't -" I was cut off mid sentance when the devil himself appeared in front of me.

"I won't what kitten? Please finish that sentance...I would love to punish whats mine." I could feel his warm breath on my face. It smelled like cinnamon and I licked my lips. His eyes trained on the motion of my tongue.

I huffed and walked around him, grabbing the speechless Ashlee's arm and walked to our class. I was so not finishing that statement because I'll be damned if I'm getting a so called punishment.

Walking in the room, we made our way to our seats as Mr. Clifford was writing useless information on the board. "Jesus Sadi.. I hate to say this, but you might be like tottaly screwed. We shouldn't of went to that party. I'm so's just I wanted you to go out and have fun, I never expected Jay freaking Collins of all people to take an interest in you..." I covered her mouth. She always has a tendency of rambling when she feels bad for something, but this wasn't her fault. I was the big girl who made the decision to go, fully aware of who's party it was.

"'s okay and it's definatly not your fault. I made the concious decision to go. So chill. I'll just deal with this all. I'll ignore him or something. No biggie." I explained and she looked doubtful that this plan was going to work. I couldn't blame her. I think I was up shits creek without a paddle. 


It was finally lunchtime and I was starving and was in a decent mood. Why? Because I haven't had any run ins with Jay or any of his groupies.

I sat down at our usual table and waited for Ash, Eric, and the rest of our friends. Taking out my sandwhich and yogurt, I felt and arm wrap around my waist and a body plop down next to me.

"What do you want Jay? Haven't you caused enough trouble for me? I'm avoided like the plauge now becuase everyone thinks your going to pop a cap in their ass or something." I turned to look at him. I had to admit, he looked damn fine today. Black T-shirt that hugged his huge biceps and sexy ab's, Khaki shorts that hung low on his hips, he has his black hair ruffled that looked like he just rolled out of bed, and even a little scruff on his face. But it looked all good on him. Ugh! Hormones Sadi...control them!

"Now now kitten, is that anyway to talk to your man?" Ha! Cocky ass, I scoffed. "My man? Your fucking kidding me right?" He smirked at me and I just rolled my eyes, scooting over away from him. This was pointless because he just scooted closer to me.

He lowered his head to the crook of my neck and licked and sucked on it. I shivered, I can't stand the effect he has on me, especially over something to trivial as licking my neck!

"Oh I am your man, kitten..everyone knows it as well. Thats why they avoid you as the plauge as you put it. Your sexy ass is all mine. Get used to it and get over it."

"Am I interrupting something...cuz I can go somewhere else." Oh thank god! Ash to the rescue. I smiled up at her and she sat down. She knew she was my escape goat from tall dark and dangerous.

Jay bit my earlobe and then stood up. "Not at all, I was just explaining to my kitten that she is all mine and now I have somewhere to be... I will be seeing you later Sadi." He bent down to whisper the last of his sentance. "..and you will enjoy it." With that said, he walked out of the cafe.

I let out the breath I didn't even know I was holding. "Kitten?" Ash laughed just as the rest of our friends were arriving at the table. "Shut it." I glared at her. Jess, one of our close friends realized something must of happend, so being the nosey girl she is, of course asked. "What is goin on miss popular 'property of Jay Collins'?" She smiled cheekly and I rolled my eyes and finished my lunch while Ash retold all that has happened to the table.

Now all I have to do is survive the rest of the day Jay free. I have a feeling this is going to be much harder then I thought. Lucky me.

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