ch. 25 'game on princess'

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Only a few chapters left guy's the story is almost over and then all my attention will be on Check-Mate.

Song of the day: Freak Like Me- Halestorm

Vote comment and all that good shit!

<3 Stephi


It's been a couple of week's since I ended Wes's life. I have no remorse for it either to be honest. He deserved what he got in my opinion. Jay was totally worried about me for a few day's afterwards because I was unusually quiet. I think everything just finally weighed me down. Ash and Erik and their betrayal and the fact that she was that monster's child.

Not that I am any better being a Costello, but still. I know my father is man of the year and all that, but I do understand, deep down, why she did what she did. I might of done the same thing if I was in her place, but then again, I would of grown some balls and refused to get involved. Something she didn't do.

We still have no word on where she is. I had a very strong feeling that she would come after me or Jay, revenge style. I would be ready though.

All and all, things went back to normal. We went back to school once everything was chill and continued on with our lives. My father still ran his gang and Jay was right under him running his crew. They did the drug trades and the gun shipments and everything was just dandy.

My mom and I spent alot of time together too. It was nice, she was almost a completely different person and I loved it. We would shop and do our spa day's, I even think Jay got a little jealous because not all my time was with him. Don't get me wrong, he definatly got his far share of me...especially at night. 

I would remind him of that and he would instanly shut up, it always made me laugh. We have gotten more serious. I still don't think he fully forgives me for sneaking off after them that night, but deep down he understands why I had to do it. My father on the other hand was proud as hell of me for doing it.

In his mind I was definatly his daughter because he would of done the same thing regardless of someone telling him not too. I smiled at the compliment. I have forgiven him through and through for everything. Maybe I shouldn't of but I couldn't help it.

Everyone has their reasons for doing the things they do and I have come to accept that. It's life and it is what it is. He did what he thought he had to do to keep my mother and I alive and it worked. So a job well done on his part.

I found out why Jay got started in the gang. His parents, well his father mainly, was my father's right hand man. Go figure. His father was killed by one of Wes's men, on a drug deal gone bad. I'm not positive on the story of his mom, but I think that she wa also killed by the same men who killed his father. It was sad when he told me and I did cry, which he hated.

He told me to never cry over something that we can't help, but I still feel sorrow. He never really knew his parent's. They died when he was so young. I found out my father basically raised his as his son and that was why he was okay with Jay and I being together.

He said he couldn't have asked for a better boyfriend for me. My mom agree's. I think she is secretly planning the wedding.

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